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RUSH: More Gloria Borger, ladies and gentlemen, more Limbaugh Theorem on display. These people are talking about it, while not even knowing it. This is yesterday afternoon on CNN during the Wolf Blitzer show, Newsroom. But the anchor was Don Lemon yesterday. And they’re talking about Obama’s new poll numbers, because it’s a CNN poll, and the poll numbers are bad. I mean, there’s been a serious, serious deterioration for Obama. Here’s what Gloria Borger said in analysis.

BORGER: “Honest and trustworthy.” This is another big problem for the president because he’s down nine points for May, and even if people didn’t like the president, they kind of always gave him the benefit of the doubt because they thought that he was generally a good guy who meant well and was trustworthy. Now you see how that poll, that number is dropping precipitously, and I think they’re starting to link the president and their lack of trust in him —

LEMON: With the scandals.

BORGER: — to the government.

RUSH: Oh, no! She just let the cat out of the bag! They’re starting to link the president to the government! Who woulda thought that would ever happen? That was Don Lemon you heard who added, “With the scandals.” What she was saying is, “I think they’re starting to link the president and their lack of trust in him to the government.” So what is she saying? Folks, forgive me. If I don’t pat myself on the back (as rarely as I do it) nobody else will, and I’m telling you: These people are all confirming the Limbaugh Theorem.

She doing it right here!

“I think they’re starting to link the president and their lack of trust in him to — to — to the government!” Meaning, they’ve never linked Obama to what’s going wrong in the government, because he hasn’t been appearing to run the government. He’s campaigning against it every day. It was Don Lemon who, after she said, “I think they’re starting to link the president, their lack of trust in him,” then said “With the scandals.” Lemon said, “With the scandals;” that’s when she said, “To the government.” So Gloria Borger is essentially admitting that up ’til now, Obama’s success has been he hasn’t been linked to any of this.

She’s so right, and doesn’t know what she has swerved into there.

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