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RUSH: Yesterday Foxborough, Massachusetts, at Gillette Stadium, the owner of the New England Patriots, Robert Kraft, spoke with reporters about the signing of quarterback Tim Tebow.

KRAFT: Personally having Tim Tebow on this team, he’s someone who believes in spirituality, he’s very competitive, and works hard, and has a great attitude, and, you know, he’s a winner. Whenever you can get, you know, a competitive, first-rate person to join your team, you know, you never know what happens.

RUSH: That is amazing and should engender a little hope for people who think that such things are taboo in professional sports. I mean, Tebow’s spirituality is the reason the media hates him. Tebow’s spirituality is the reason he’s made fun of by the media. Tebow’s spirituality is the reason people are so afraid of what he might bring to a locker room. And yet the owner of the Patriots says, “That’s the stuff of winners. And we’re happy to have him.” And, by the way, he doesn’t have any guaranteed money. He’s gotta perform. Two-year deal, league minimum, and he’s a quarterback.

Everybody knows that Tom Brady is the quarterback of that team. So it’s impossible to have a quarterback controversy, like existed in New York with the Jets. The fans are never gonna be screaming for Tebow. They don’t want Brady to come off the field so they’ll find other uses for Tebow. It could actually be an ideal situation for him. But Kraft said something else there that is true about Tebow, and it’s an intangible. He’s a winner. But he’s not conventional. So it’s interesting. It’s a heartwarming thing.

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