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RUSH: Lizz Winstead was a creator of The Daily Show…. Oh, by the way! You know, I have never made a big deal about this because that’s not who I am, as it is. You know, like in the popular culture when some guy gets arrested for DUI, he says, “That’s not who I am!” A guy gets arrested for beating up a woman. “I don’t know what happened. That’s not who I am.” Yes, it is who you are. It’s a common excuse now. The crisis PR people urge them to say, “That’s not who I am. That person wasn’t me then.”

Anyway, The Daily Show is said to be the news show of young adults. And they ran a graphic last night that we have had on our website since 2011, Barackalypse Now. They ran it in conjunction with all of these scandals that are starting to chip away at Obama. Barackalypse Now. Koko sent it to me today. Koko sent me a note: “I’m so ticked off at this. You did The Daily Show before Jon Stewart ever thought about doing TV. That’s what your TV show was. This guy gets all this credit and all this stuff, and now they’re lifting stuff from our website,” conceptually. I mean, the graphic is a little different, but the whole Barackalypse Now, that was us in 2011.

Anyway, the creator — and they’ve got 30 writers and when the writers go on strike, that show goes off the air. Anyway, Lizz Winstead, creator of The Daily Show, within minutes of the tornado hitting yesterday, tweeted: “This tornado is in Oklahoma so clearly it has been ordered to only target conservatives.” This is the same woman, Lizz Winstead, who attacked Michele Bachmann on abortion. She raises money for Planned Parenthood. She tweeted an apology about seven o’clock last night: “Made a political joke, Twas before devastation revealed. In hindsight, had I understood, I would have refrained. Beyond sorry.”

Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island senator, got on an anti-Republican rant over global warming five minutes after the tornado hit. Here you have Lizz Winstead (imitating Winstead), “Ah, tornadoes in Oklahoma. Clearly it’s been ordered to only target conservatives. Oops, oops, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. If I had known the devastation was so bad, I wouldn’t — oh, gosh, I’m so sorry.”

See, the liberals can get away with all this mean-spirited extremism that they mean. They intend it.

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