Boston Bombers’ Former Brother-in-Law: There Were Others Involved

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 24,2013

RUSH: Mark Steyn has just pointed out in a little blog post, an ironic line about Tamerlan Tsarnaev that is in the New York Times. And I must admit I missed this. The New York Times has a line about Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Quote, “He was angry that the world pictures Islam as a violent religion.” So obviously Tamerlan set out to change that perception. Tamerlan Tsarnaev sitting there ticked off that people picture Islam as a violent religion, so he says, “I’ll show them,” and blows up the Boston Marathon. Honestly, folks, I am not making this up.

And from the Boston Globe: “Russia Contacted US Government ‘Multiple’ Times on Concerns” about Tamerlan Tsarnaev. But the FBI, “Well, okay,” but were unable to track him for some reason. The suspect’s former brother-in-law says there were other people involved now. Let’s go to audio sound bite 27. This on CNN this morning. Wolf Blitzer is interviewing Elmirza Khozhgov, ex-brother-in-law of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. And Wolf said, “Do you believe these two brothers acted alone, or were they involved in any other terror groups?”

KHOZHGOV: I believe that there are other people involved.

BLITZER: When you say other people involved, what does that mean? (crosstalk)

KHOZHGOV: — some movement. I mean some extremist terrorists — not terrorists, but like extreme — extremely radical people, not — don’t want to point out the religion itself because it’s a peaceful religion, but there are people who are preaching it the wrong way, probably, so I believe yes, there are some people involved.

RUSH: Yeah, that’s the ex-brother-in-law of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Elmirza Khozhgov. What is it with American media people? This guy says, “I believe there were other people involved.” Blitzer says, “When you say other people involved, what does that mean?” It’s like Diane Sawyer yesterday said, “Pierre, what does it mean he’s in custody?” “Well, Diane, it means the police have him, he’s in police custody.” Oh. Like recycling. So yesterday Diane Sawyer, “What’s custody mean.” Wolf today, “What do you mean, other people involved? What does that mean?”


RUSH: Laurie in Pittsburgh, we go back to Pittsburgh, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hi.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. I wanted to bring up something I’ve been thinking about. Is there a possibility that what’s happening with the bombers — I can’t say their name ’cause I’m brutalize them — there could be like generational envy or generational guilt? And let me explain that, as a theory I have. Like I can use Barack Obama as an example. Up until he was an 18-year-old in high school going to that private school, he was Barry Soetoro. Then he became aware. He wanted to get down with the struggle. He started, you know, there’s multiple things where he then, because the generational envy he felt of not being part of the sixties and radical and protesting and all the things that went on there, he, in his own way, took the path of socialism and became a radical in his own way.

RUSH: Now, folks, before you have a conniption here, there is something to this. Obama himself has spoken of regretting missing living in the sixties —

CALLER: Exactly, generational envy.

RUSH: The tumult, he wished he would have been around when that was happening. He has spoken of that.


RUSH: Okay.

CALLER: And you can apply that to these two brothers. Their parents went through a struggle, and the struggle they went through in Russia, I mean, and the things that happened over in Russia, they come in here to America —

RUSH: So wait. Are you asking if these two guys did it because they wanted to get involved in what they thought were good times that they missed?

CALLER: I think it could be a guilt of them not having participated in that.

RUSH: You mean, the jihad happened and all they’ve got is the T-shirt?

CALLER: Exactly, or here they are living the Shahs of Sunset lifestyle, which is a television show on Bravo, and their parents talk about how bad they had it. So, in essence, they have a guilt complex now that they didn’t live through that, therefore they embrace it, they radicalize it and this is the radical course they take.

RUSH: Well, I had not considered this. Why are you? What steered you to this?

CALLER: Because you see it so often. It exists so much, just like Barack Obama, it exists.

RUSH: I know, but let’s leave Obama out of it.

CALLER: Okay —

RUSH: — were you not satisfied —

CALLER: — take it from the concept of people can go multiple ways with this sort of guilt or envy.

RUSH: Are you not satisfied with the explanations we’ve been given so far?

CALLER: I agree that’s part of it, but I think this is not being looked at, you know, here they are living a completely different life than what their parents lived, and maybe being told this all the time and then looking at the conditions back in their own country and that this concept of what their generation, their generation, what they had, there was a guilt or an envy there. And I think that could be a part of it.

RUSH: Well, maybe.

CALLER: I don’t know that anybody’s looking at that.

RUSH: I don’t know how much guilt or envy there was. You gotta have some hate here.

CALLER: I agree. I agree. It’s how you take what people are saying. Like, if you take it and you make it this wonderful thing and it’s the level to which you take what your guilt of that generational, you know, the whole being separated by that generation.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: Do you take it to a case of hate, in their case.

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: Like, for example, you can take it to extreme for them, which is hate, the bombing, or the small extreme of the Mercedes that got hijacked that had a —

RUSH: Look, all this is well and good, but it’s a fun exercise to get into why they did it or what radicalized them, but I’m not interested in it from a standpoint that, “Well, this will help us prevent the next one.” I don’t want excuses to eventually be made for these guys, and that’s what’s starting. I’m not saying you are, but people are making excuses for these guys, “Well, radicalized by an imam. Well, Afghanistan and Iraq. Well, the American foreign policy’s to blame for it.” These guys knowing built the bombs, learned how to do it and set ’em off, and there are 260 people injured, lost limbs, people have died, and that’s, to me, the fundamental point of this.

They’re bad guys. How they got that way, we can surmise. Anyway, look, Laurie, I appreciate the call. I’m not trying to diminish what you’re saying ’cause I don’t know. That theory could be right on the money.

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