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RUSH: Damon in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Hello, sir. Great to have you here.

CALLER: Hey, mega dittos, Rush.

RUSH: Thank you very much.

CALLER: Hey, I’ve actually — funny enough I’ve been listening to you for more than half my life. I remember sneaking up at night to watch your TV show, and that was kind of the genesis of my listening to you speak the truth.

RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much. What happened the other half?

CALLER: (laughing) Well, let’s see, 1992 I was 17, so that’s when I first started watching. I believe that’s when your TV show came out. I was a junior in high school.

RUSH: Well, I appreciate that, I really do, thank you very much.

CALLER: Well, the reason I’m calling, Rush, is you were speaking about a memo that was passed down. I believe it was to the USDA folks here in North Carolina?

RUSH: The memo passed down — the Department of Agriculture.

CALLER: Right. It was the one that spoke about, you know, that they didn’t want him to redistribute the money that was being cut?

RUSH: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah. They wanted to get the story straight on who was being harmed by the sequester, right.

CALLER: Right, right. Well, a lot of people — and I know they’ve seen it and Congress is totally acting, but a lot of people don’t realize there’s a lot of cuts to the military right now and a lot of the —

RUSH: People do realize it. They do realize it, Damon, and it’s being done on purpose. We’ve had calls from women who are being denied military health care. It’s being done to hurt people, to make a point.


RUSH: Do you remember…? I think this was in 2008, presidential campaign. It might have been a debate. Not totally sure about that. President Obama, candidate Obama, Senator Obama said, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, these countries, they’re tiny compared to the Soviet Union. North Korea, they don’t pose a serious threat to us, the way the Soviet Union did. We don’t need to worry about these, silly. And he mentioned Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, North Korea.

You might like to know that NBC News is reporting that the United States is deploying additional ground-based missile interceptors as the Norks are stepping up their threats. I guess Dennis Rodman failed in his diplomacy efforts with Kim Jong-un or whatever his name is. From the NBC article, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel either has announced or will announce today that United States is deploying 14 new ground-based missile interceptors, probably in Alaska. No big deal, the Norks, they’re not a big threat. Don’t have to worry about them. By the way, where are we getting the money for this in the sequester?

One more thing to Damon from Fort Bragg, North Carolina. I think what a lot of people don’t realize is that many, and in fact probably most of the cuts that we’re now seeing in the military are not due to the sequester. People forget, Obama’s already cut the military budget by 700 some-odd-billion dollars just in previous years. The sequester’s chump change on top of that, at least this year. It’s not chump change over the course of ten years, but it’s chump change in one year. But most of these defense cuts now are Obama’s earlier defense cuts.

But, see, Obama’s now gonna blame all of them on Republicans for the sequester. And that’s why Chuck Hagel’s the defense secretary, he’s a Republican. So Obama is able to blame all of this on the sequester and on the Republicans when most of these cuts happened pre-sequester. If Obama’s putting missiles in Alaska and they’re telling us they’re aimed at North Korea? If I lived where Palin lives, I’d be a little worried. Maybe aimed at her, using it as an excuse.

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