Secretary of State Dennis Rodman

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 4,2013

RUSH: We’ve got the new secretary of state, Dennis Rodman, just back from North Korea talking to Kim Jong-un, who just wants Obama to call him. Man, what a foreign policy team. Joe Biden, John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) and Dennis Rodman (who played for the Pistons).


RUSH: Dennis Rodman was on ABC’s This Week yesterday. George Stephanopoulos interviewing Dennis Rodman as seriously as he would interview Henry Kissinger. Rodman was in full uniform. He had the nose rings. He had all the jewelry. He had the dark glasses. He had the baseball cap on.


What? Lip rings, that’s right, lip rings. I was overwhelmed by the amount of facial jewelry that I saw. I couldn’t remember it all. So he had nose rings, lip rings, earrings, the baseball cap, the shades. I mean, it’s Dennis Rodman, just back from North Korea. And Stephanopoulos is interviewing him seriously. We have three sound bites, and here is the first one.

RODMAN: I sat with him for two days. And the one thing, he asked me to give Obama something to say and do one thing. He wants Obama to do one thing, call him.

STEPHANOPOULOS: He wants a call from President Obama?

RODMAN: That’s right. He told me that. He said, “If you can, Dennis, I don’t want to do war. I don’t want to do war.” He said that to me. He loves basketball. And I said the same thing, I said, “Obama loves basketball.” Let’s start there. Let’s start there.

RUSH: See how easy this is? Dennis Rodman somehow gets into North Korea. We’re assuming he intended to. Who knows where he thought he was going. He gets into North Korea, and now Dennis Rodman has found the basis on which new bilateral relations can occur. Both Kim Jong-un and Obama like basketball. All Kim wants is for Obama to call him. So Stephanopoulos said, “Well, what else does he know about the United States and President Obama from what you could tell, Dennis?”

RODMAN: He’s a great guy. He’s just a great guy. If you sit down and talk to him, you know, perception is perceiving how things work.

STEPHANOPOULOS: A great guy who puts 200,000 people in prison camps?

RODMAN: Well, you know, guess what, it’s amazing how we do the same thing here.

STEPHANOPOULOS: We have prison camps here in the United States?

RODMAN: We don’t have prison camps. Guess what, this is all politics, right? This is all politics, right?

RUSH: This fits right in. I mean, Dennis Rodman fits right in with the American left. They think this.

RUSH: So, anyway, Dennis Rodman, “He’s a great guy, a great guy. If you sit down and talk to him, you know, perception is perceiving how things work.” That is a profundity, folks. Grab sound bite 11 again. Dennis Rodman, unofficial state visit to North Korea, once again explaining to Stephanopoulos how things work in North Korea and how much they are like things that happen here in America.

RODMAN: He’s a great guy. He’s just a great guy. If you sit down and talk to him, you know, perception is perceiving how things work.

STEPHANOPOULOS: A great guy who puts 200,000 people in prison camps?

RODMAN: Well, you know, guess what, it’s amazing how we do the same thing here.

STEPHANOPOULOS: We have prison camps here in the United States?

RODMAN: We don’t have prison camps. Guess what, this is all politics, right? This is all politics, right?

RUSH: So, what does he mean by that? That they really don’t have prison camps, that we just say that about them? Just like we have prison camps here, but we really don’t, we just say that? It’s just politics. You just say the United States has 200,000 people in political prisons. You know, the Michael Moore people believe that. The Al Franken people believe that. Political prison camp, political. He’s talking about political prison camps. We do have prison, and they do have camps. Illegal aliens are let go from our prisons every day now. What are we up to, 5,000? Who knows. But they’ll all come back once the sequester’s over. Sequester’s over, it’s a deal. It’s a deal. The illegals got let loose, but when the sequester’s over they’ll report back for duty at prison.

Okay. So, Dennis Rodman, hey, perception is perceiving how things work, and they got prison camps just like we have prison camps. It’s all just politics. Stephanopoulos says, “It sounds to me, Dennis, like you’re apologizing for Kim Jong-un.”

RODMAN: No, I’m not apologizing for him. I think the fact that, you know, he’s a good guy to me. Guess what, he’s my friend.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Someone who hypothetically is a murderer, who is your friend, is still a murderer.

RODMAN: Guess what, it’s just like we do over here in America, right? It’s amazing that we have presidents over here do the same thing, right? It’s amazing that Bill Clinton could do one thing and have sex with his secretary, and do one thing and really get away with it and still be powerful.

RUSH: Oh ho. Ho-ho-ho. Oh, yes. Ho-ho. (laughing) So now whatever goodwill that Rodman had built up just went out the window. Now we’re comparing Kim Jong-un to Bill Clinton. It’s power. Just like we do over here in America. It’s amazing. We have presidents over here do the same thing. Who would be more likely to tell the truth about Benghazi: Dennis Rodman, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, or John Kerry? If we could send any of these people over there to research this and find out what really happened, who would be more likely to find the truth and then tell us? Dennis Rodman, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, or Barack Obama.

Now, wait, we’re not through here. So what did Rodman just do? He just defended a murderer. Stephanopoulos pointed out, well, look, by the way, not hypothetically a murderer. He’s an authoritarian dictator that murders people. It’s what they do. Rodman says, “Well, guess what? It’s just like we do over here in America, right? It’s amazing, we have presidents over here do the same thing, right?” Murder people. “It’s amazing that Bill Clinton could do one thing and have sex with his secretary, do one thing and really get away with it and still be powerful.” I didn’t know that Rodman had a problem with Monica Lewinsky. And maybe he doesn’t. He didn’t say problem. He just said, hey, it’s just like North Korea. Did you know that Kim Jong-un was banging an intern? He must have learned that over there.

It reminded me April 22, 1971. Here we got Dennis Rodman who goes to North Korea, comes back, and what does he do? He basically establishes a moral. I know, folks, we’re just having fun with this, but, look, it works. We’re dealing with somebody who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. But who on the Democrat side really does? Remember John Kerry, April 22nd, 1971?

KERRY: They told the stories of times that they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power. Cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in the fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, not isolated incidents, but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with a full awareness of officers at all levels of command.

RUSH: There’s John Kerry basically saying, “Hey, we do the same thing the North Vietnamese do.” That was April 22, 1971, and he was spelling out the way American troops were behaving in Vietnam. That is no different than Dennis Rodman coming back and saying, “Hey, you know, we have prison camps here. We murder people just like Kim Jong-un. It’s the same, just politics.”

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