Garofalo Couldn’t Be More Wrong About “24”

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 7,2013

RUSH: Grab sound bite 19, Janeane Garofalo, she had some things to say about the TV show “24” which has been off the air for a long, long time, but Janeane Garofalo, this on some podcast that nobody heard and that’s why I’m gonna play it for you here, she is talking about Joel Surnow and me. Surnow is the creator, was the producer of the TV show “24.”

GAROFALO: He’s a real right wing — he actually worked with the Republican Party producing like propaganda campaigns with them. And actually Rush Limbow [sic] and Lynne Cheney would visit the set and stuff like that. He wanted Cherry Jones to play the president that season as a slam to Hillary. He wanted it to seem unappealing. Unfortunately the fans loved Cherry Jones as the president, she was wonderful, but it was made to frighten you from Hillary. This might sound all like, “That’s crazy.” But don’t underestimate a right-winger, especially with power and money. They will use any platform.

RUSH: Well, now, it sounds good and sounds interesting, but she couldn’t be more wrong if she wanted to be. Surnow helped Republicans produce propaganda films? And the casting of Cherry Jones as a female president, it was not made to alarm people about Hillary. The Cherry Jones character was not unlikable. I just wanted to get this out of the way because these people are not backing away or backing off. In their victory, they are even angrier and more fit to be tied even than when they win.

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