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RUSH: Did you know that the fiscal cliff is my fault? The fiscal cliff has been manufactured by me to scare you. I don’t know when I did this, but Tom Harkin was on some Web show that the Huffing and Puffington Post has and the hostette, somebody named Alicia Menendez, who probably doesn’t like the Apple Maps app, was interviewing Tom “Dung Heap” Harkin, and they’re talking about the fiscal cliff. She said, “Do you hold the conservative media accountable?” Now, stop and think. What kind of wizard of smart do you have to be to in any way relate conservative media or any media to the fiscal cliff? The fiscal cliff is the result of a budget deal expanding the debt limit negotiated by Obama and Boehner, what, about a year ago? Something like that. And so now, “Dung Heap” Harkin gets a question from the Huffing and Puffington Post about the conservative media being accountable and asking, “Do you hold them accountable? Is that why the American people have an overblown sense about the challenges that we face?”

HARKIN: The Rush Limbaughs and the echo chambers around the country have really manufactured this. This crisis has been manufactured by the conservatives to scare people so that we must do something here in a hurry. They have confused people deliberately in order to try to get their way. It’s like hostage taking.

RUSH: I apologize for that audio. I’m sure it came through the Apple Maps app, ladies and gentlemen. What Tom “Dung Heap” Harkin was saying there was that, “Rush Limbaugh and their echo chambers around the country have really manufactured this. This crisis has been manufactured by the conservatives to scare people so that we will do something here in a hurry. They have tried to confuse people, trying to get their way, it’s like hostage taking.” This is sheer insanity. This is absolute, total lunacy. Of course I’m denying it. I had nothing to do with the fiscal cliff. You can argue about whether or not it’s a crisis. I mean, if we go over the cliff the birds are gonna be chirping, the homelessness will be begging, the sky is still gonna be blue, the takers are still gonna be taking, and taxes are still gonna go up on the rich.

No. I didn’t manufacture this to hold anybody hostage. I didn’t manufacture the fiscal cliff. Actually, you think I ought to admit it? Yeah, I did do this. This is absurd. Crisis, do something in a hurry. That’s Obama. I mean, one of the reasons that we don’t have a budget is so that every expenditure is a crisis. We haven’t had a budget in three or four years, which is in violation of the Constitution, not that that matters anymore.

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