Why Should Anyone Have to Pay for Food? Dec 12, 2012RUSH: Now, before I tell you what the story is, let me remind you of something that I have...
A Conservative California Teamster Dec 12, 2012RUSH: Central California as we head back to the phones. This is Kurt, and I thank you for calling....
Obama’s Big Tax Lie to the American People Dec 12, 2012RUSH: Here is Chris, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Great to have you on the EIB Network....
Waning Days of the NFL: Tagliabue Slaps Goodell, DeMaurice Smith Sues League Dec 12, 2012RUSH: I read the Tagliabue piece, the 22 pages, which he vacated the punishment against the...
Obama Seeks to Permanently Eliminate Republican Opposition in Fiscal Cliff Deal Dec 12, 2012RUSH: What’s going on in the fiscal cliff argument is very simple. Barack Obama wants the...
What’s at Stake in Michigan Union Fight: The Democrat Money-Laundering Operation Dec 12, 2012RUSH: Unions are not about jobs. Unions are not about wages. You all see what’s happening. Maybe...
HuffPo Libs Find Solution to Homelessness Dec 12, 2012RUSH: Dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut. Got a homeless update from...