Bill Kristol Signs on for Surrender Dec 6, 2012RUSH: “William Kristol, Editor of the Weekly Standard, seems to have decided that retreat is...
Want to Improve NFL Kickoffs? Add Bowling! Dec 6, 2012RUSH: Roger Goodell, the commissioner of the National Football League, is on the cover of TIME...
Obama Seeks Confession from GOP Dec 6, 2012RUSH: I think what Obama is actually aiming for, when all is said and done… You know, I...
Ed Feulner and Jim DeMint on the Future Dec 6, 2012RUSH: Rush Limbaugh behind the Golden EIB Microphone here at our little think tank, the Limbaugh...
There’s No Common Ground on the Cliff Dec 6, 2012RUSH: As to the fiscal cliff, folks, do you realize in all…? If you strip it all down, there...
Obama Wants to Tax the Rich for Revenge Dec 6, 2012RUSH: So late in the program yesterday, we had a guy call who wanted to raise taxes on everybody a...