It’s Simple: Republicans Should Oppose Disastrous Policies, Not Participate in Them Dec 5, 2012RUSH: Let me go to Kyle in New Albany, Indiana. Kyle, I really appreciate your waiting. Thank you,...
Rubio and Ryan Address GOP’s Future Dec 5, 2012RUSH: Last night at the annual Jack Kemp dinner, Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan both made speeches. I...
The Angry Left: Ed Asner Narrates California Teachers Union Video Depicting Rich Urinating on Poor Dec 5, 2012RUSH: I mentioned about an hour ago, and it was in a throwaway line in our discussions about Prop...
Detroit Wants Its Obama Bacon Dec 5, 2012RUSH: You gotta hear this. Grab sound bite number one. This is JoAnn Watson at a city council...
Last Day to Get Golden EIB Ticket Dec 5, 2012RUSH: Folks, look, this is it, the last day of the last Two If By Tea sweepstakes of the year. And...
The Beginnings of a California Backlash? Dec 5, 2012RUSH: Okay, California. I have been waiting for this. I have been hoping something like this would...
Is It Time to Panic, El Rushbo? Dec 5, 2012RUSH: Vinny, the old reliable. Vinny’s like Old Faithful. When things blow up, Vinny from Queens...
Media Disconnect on the Jovan Belcher and NYC Subway Killings Dec 5, 2012RUSH: I’ve been reading a lot of sports websites and blogs where there are comments featured to...
The GOP Seminar in Surrender Dec 5, 2012RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, this morning there was a joint press conference that featured the...