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RUSH: Here’s Debbie “Blabbermouth” Schultz last Wednesday during an Emily’s List forum on women and the 2012 election.

SCHULTZ: Take a good look when the House convenes after this next Congress is sworn in at what our side of the aisle looks like versus the Republican side of the aisle. I mean, they got whiter and more male. And we now have a majority minority and female Democratic caucus. First time in history.

RUSH: Now, all fine and good until you realize that this woman’s party moved heaven and earth to defeat African-American Mia Love, African-American Allen West, and replace them with white men. So the hypocrisy is rich. I don’t want to offend any of you independents or moderates by being critical here, but Wasserman Schultz runs around talking about “look at how diverse we are.” And they’re not about diversity. They are about liberalism.

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