Obama Campaign in Panic Mode Oct 25, 2012RUSH: Upstate New York, Jeff. Thank you for waiting, sir. Great to have you here.CALLER: Rush,...
Testimonial from Romney’s Red Rocks Rally Oct 25, 2012RUSH: Gina in Conifer, Colorado, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hey, Rush. I...
I’m an Optimist, Not a Fatalist Oct 25, 2012RUSH: So I took a gander at the Rush 24/7 e-mail. I’m stunned at how fatalistic people are. I am...
GOP Volunteer Worries About Overconfidence Oct 25, 2012RUSH: We go to the phones to Hampton, Virginia. And Pamela, you’re up first. It’s great to have...
Close Polls Don’t Jibe with Mittmentum Vibe #3 Oct 25, 2012RUSH: There’s a great analysis — well, “great.” It’s an interesting analysis...
Colin Powell Endorses Obama Again #3 Oct 25, 2012RUSH: The titular head of the Republican Party, Colin Powell, is out endorsing Obama again. You...
CNN Pulls Story on Arousal Gap #3 Oct 25, 2012RUSH: Do you remember the arousal gap? (interruption)You do? All right. Tell me what it was. What...