Business World Waits for Romney Economy

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 22,2012

RUSH: New Haven, Connecticut. Tom. Great to have you on the program. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. How are you?

RUSH: Very well, sir. Thank you.

CALLER: It’s a great honor to talk to you. I wanted to call in and try to illustrate the effect that Obama and his policies are having on small businesses and try to put it in real terms. I’m a small business owner here in Connecticut. And, you know, I got an e-mail from a potential client last week and I was wondering if I could read it to you and share it with the audience.

RUSH: Quickly. I don’t like people reading, it’s boring.

CALLER: All right, this will be really —

RUSH: Just tell me what the guy says.

CALLER: Well, basically he reached out to me, he wants to expand his website, expand his business, and so we were going back and forth sharing e-mails and phone calls, and I got this e-mail Friday, and basically he’s saying that he’s interested in talking, but he wants to wait ’til after the election because along with all their plans on expansion, they’re holding everything off to see if Obama is reelected because the costs of Obama and the new taxes that will be implemented as of the 1st are, you know —

RUSH: He’s not alone, by the way. And thank you for sharing that. This is why if Romney wins, the day after the election you’re gonna hear from the guy, he’s gonna expand. If Romney wins, you are going to see the beginnings of an economic expansion right then.

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