El Rushbo Channels “Old Joey” on Abortion

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 12,2012

RUSH: Here we have proof that even the Drive-By Media realizes that Joey was a debacle. From the Administration Press, the AP: “Attention Shifts Back to Obama and Romney After Running Mates’ Spirited Debate.”

That’s the headline to the latest AP story. You know what that means. That means that old Joey didn’t bring it off. That means the focus on the debate last night is on the negatives of old Joey. And so the AP, the Administration Press, is moving on.

How about last night, Martha Raddatz tried to help old Joey and the Democrats with this War on Women by going toward the discussion of abortion toward the end of the debate. I knew immediately what this was. This is old Joey being teed up here for the War on Women theme.

Did you hear old Joey was asked about abortion? (imitating Biden) “I’m a Catholic. It informs my life. It’s everything, man. My faith is everything. I mean, my dad used to say, ‘Joey, that guy hits you in the nose, you get up and say, “the Pope doesn’t like Joey being hit in the nose,” and you hit him in the mouth, Joey, you get up and you don’t take that stuff, Joey.’ My faith informs me. When it comes to abortion, Martha, I believe in life. Life everywhere. The more life, the better. But, Martha, I’m not gonna impose. I’m not gonna impose my view on God loving Muslims, the Islamists, the Christians, Coptic Christians, even the guy that made the video, Martha, I’m not gonna impose my views. I’m into life, Martha. I’m into life like you can’t believe. I’ve talked to the Pope about it. I was on with the Pope for an hour on a conference call, and Bibi Netanyahu was waiting in the wings. You know, Bibi’s not a Catholic. My dad told me that. But I love life, Martha.”

It’s the old Mario Cuomo technique. The answer to it is, oh, Joey, you don’t want to impose your views on human life, but you will impose Obamacare on everybody and you will impose your tax policy on everybody and you will impose IRS agents to collect fines on everybody, but you won’t impose the most important thing in your life, Joey, on people. Joey, when did life become an imposition, pal? Huh? When did that happen? When did your dad tell you about that, Joey? Life is an imposition? Man, that must have been tough. Where did you grow up, Wheeling? Scranton? Both of those places, yeah, whatever works. God you were good last night, Joey. They love you man, they love you.
The AP’s already moved on, already talking about Obama and Romney next week. Stand up, Joey. Let ’em see you, stand up, stand up, Chuck, stand up. Oh, God, Chuck’s in a wheelchair, aw, jeez, God bless Chuck. Oh, man.

“I’m into life, Martha. God, I love life. I’m not gonna impose on anybody though, no way, not here, old Joey, no, huh-uh. I have a little twerp sitting next to me. That little twerp doesn’t know what he’s talking, bunch of stuff, Martha, good God. It’s all I could do to laugh. Do you realize what a bunch of fake laughter that was? I didn’t feel like laughing. These guys don’t know what they’re talking about, ruining this country, look at where the recession came from, I love life, Martha. More than anybody, it’s what makes me who I am. It’s what informs me. I’m not gonna impose myself on anybody, to hell with that.”

And here’s Paul Ryan on that subject from the debate last night.

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