Obama Donors Get Obama Phone Kickbacks Oct 8, 2012RUSH: Do you remember that we had a sound bite from a woman in Cleveland last week who was there...
Dealing with Lib Relatives is Tricky Oct 8, 2012RUSH: Ashley in Marshall, Minnesota. I’m glad you waited. Great to have you on the program....
Matalin Puts Krugman in His Place Oct 8, 2012RUSH: Paul Krugman was finally put in his place on ABC yesterday by Mary Matalin. A lot of people...
F. Chuck Todd Feels October Chill, Admits GOP Enthusiasm is a Big Problem for Dems Oct 8, 2012RUSH: F. Chuck Todd, audio sound bites six and seven here, Mike, as I’m changing the order on the...
The Legend of Hillary Rodham Clinton Oct 8, 2012RUSH: David, Gilbert, Arizona, hello and welcome to EIB Network.CALLER: Hi, Rush. Thanks for...
Lara Logan Lifts the Veil on Barack Obama’s Failure in the War Against Islamofascism Oct 8, 2012RUSH: Lara Logan, CBS News. Do you remember two weeks ago, two Sundays ago, CBS 60 Minutes, she...
Drive-Bys Target Jack Welch and El Rushbo for Refusing to Accept the “New Normal” Oct 8, 2012RUSH: They’re all upset in the Drive-By Media that Jack Welch and I accused the Bureau of Labor...
Regime Narrative: Romney Lied Oct 8, 2012RUSH: Let’s now head to these sound bites. This is Sunday morning. We have a montage of Obama...
The Left Still Can’t Come to Grips with What Happened to Obama at Last Week’s Debate Oct 8, 2012RUSH: The left, folks, is still discombobulated over Obama’s debate performance. The cover of The...
Another Home Run: Romney Speech Lays Out Clear, Confident Foreign Policy Vision Oct 8, 2012RUSH: Another tremendous speech by Mitt Romney just now. Let me tell you something. This man is...