Obama Wants High Gas Prices Oct 5, 2012RUSH: This rising gas prices business. I had a memory jog during the break, so I went back and...
Cutter Admits to $5T Tax Cut Lie Oct 5, 2012RUSH: Watching Obama in Cleveland now in the rain at a campaign appearance, repeating everything...
Biden: We Want to Raise Taxes by a Trillion Oct 5, 2012RUSH: Now we move on to Vice President Bite Me. He was in Council Bluffs, Iowa, yesterday. It’s...
Barry: “There’s a Laziness in Me” Oct 5, 2012RUSH: Here’s Obama last December 23rd, is on ABC News 20/20 with Barbara Walters, and they talk...
Why Obama Didn’t Bring Up the 47% Oct 5, 2012RUSH: Now, the 47% comment. I want to go back to the debate for a second because I had a brilliant...
A Ticked-Off California Car Owner Oct 5, 2012RUSH: Chester in Irvine, California. I’m glad you waited. Great to have you here. Hello.CALLER:...
Former NBA Star Greg Anthony for Mitt Oct 5, 2012RUSH: Greg Anthony, a former star of the National Basketball Association who does some TV work...
Do They Take Us All for Fools? Oct 5, 2012RUSH: They are taking us for fools, folks, with all of this. They’re insulting our intelligence....
Obama Warns: Don’t “Talk Down” Economy Oct 5, 2012RUSH: He’s out in Virginia. And he’s telling this lie that Romney doesn’t know that there’s a tax...
See, I Told You So: Regime Manipulates the Jobless Number Below 8% by Election Day Oct 5, 2012RUSH: There you have it, folks. The economy’s back. The stimulus worked. The job council’s...
Author Brad Thor Tweets My Prediction That the Regime Would Manipulate the Jobless Number Below 8% by Election Day Oct 5, 2012• May 4, 2012:Obama’s Orwellian Unemployment Numbers• August 6, 2012: Once They Get to 7.9%, the...