John Fund’s New Book on Voter Fraud is Well Worth Your Time

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 1,2012

RUSH: John Fund has a new book about voter fraud/voter theft called: Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk. Do you realize with early voting, 85% of the country could vote…? Not that they will, but 85% of the country can vote before the last debate is over with early voting. One of the real problems with early voting is that it makes it very hard for candidates to come from behind, and candidates coming from behind are usually Republicans.

If you vote now or next week, and then something happens between now and Election Day to change your mind, you either have to live in Chicago where you can vote again (and all you’ll be doing is canceling yourself out) or you’re outta luck. This early voting is a recipe for fraud. Fund, this has been his cause. This book of his — Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk — is well worth your time.

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