Military Wife on the Rules of Engagement Oct 1, 2012RUSH: Here’s Cindy in Loganville, Georgia. Hi, Cindy. It’s great to have you on the...
Caller Would Prefer a Job to His Obama Phone Oct 1, 2012RUSH: Big Bear City, California. This is Steve, and I’m glad you waited, sir. Great to have you on...
The Laughingstock State-Run Media Oct 1, 2012RUSH: Grab audio sound bite number three. Mark “Maxi” Shields was on Inside Washington...
John Fund’s New Book on Voter Fraud is Well Worth Your Time Oct 1, 2012RUSH: John Fund has a new book about voter fraud/voter theft called: Who’s Counting? How...
Illegal Immigrant Dittohead Does the Thinking Americans Won’t Do Oct 1, 2012RUSH: Carlos in San Francisco, sanctuary city, great to have you on the EIB Network, Carlos....
Univision Exposes Massive Audience to Fast and Furious Scandal for First Time Oct 1, 2012RUSH: ABC News/Univision: “Fast and Furious Scandal: New Details Emerge on How the US...
Debate Preview: Obama Will Lie Oct 1, 2012RUSH: So here we are on October 1st, and the incumbent president is at 47% approval. There is no...
Democrats Create Permanent Underclass Oct 1, 2012WOMAN: Obama!REPORTER: You got an Obama phone? WOMAN: (screaming) Yes! Everybody in Cleveland, low...
They Want You to Think the Election is Over Oct 1, 2012RUSH: Some shocking news in the Drive-By Media today. The election is over. Mitt Romney has lost....
A Big Thank You to Neal Boortz Oct 1, 2012RUSH: Before we get started today, ladies and gentlemen, I want to send out a sincere and...