Obama to UN: The Notion That We Can Control the Flow of Information is Obsolete

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 25,2012

RUSH: This at the UN this morning, speaking to his fellow dictat… uh, leaders, annual UN speech.

OBAMA: I know that not all countries in this body share this particular understanding of the protection of free speech. We recognize that. But in 2012, at a time when anyone with a cell phone can spread offensive views around the world with a click of a button, the notion that we can control the flow of information is obsolete.

RUSH: Who’s even thinking about that? The fact that he’s thinking about this is an indicator, folks. This means we could, at one time, control the flow of information, or at least at one time we had the notion that we could. With cell phones now, though, damn it, we can’t. But then let’s go back earlier. You know me. There’s nobody better at parsing sound bites than me. I mean, everybody airs these sound bites now, granted.

But nobody parses ’em better than I do, ’cause I know these people. I know that not all countries in this body share this particular understanding of the protection of free speech. He had just talked about the protection of the Constitution, as though these idiots at the UN don’t know about free speech. They all know about it ’cause they hate it! Free speech is their number one enemy, most of these leaders at the UN.

Anyway, he says, “I know that not all countries in this body share this particular understanding of the protection of free speech. We recognize that.” Oh, you do? You recognize that? (paraphrased) “We understand! We totally understand that you don’t like free speech. We get that. We totally get it.” We do? You know, in the old days, America believed that it was the last best hope on earth.

In the old days, we had presidents who thought America was the solution to the world’s problems. Now we’ve got somebody who believes that America contributes to the world’s problems in a large way. (impression) “Well, we recognize that some of you don’t like free speech.” What is that? We “recognize” it? He’s paying homage to these guys. “We know some of you don’t like free speech, and that’s cool. It’s okay.

“We get it. But the day when we can all control the flow of information… (laughing) That’s obsolete now ’cause of these damn cell phones. Until we get those off the market, or until I can get control that Internet kill switch, we’re stuck.” But it’s nice to know. Like all my corporate partners will be happy to learn here that Obama is finally giving up trying to get me off the air. Yeah, that’s what this means. It’s obsolete now, right?

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