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RUSH: Pat Oparowski at the Republican National Convention. Romney family friend Pat Oparowski spoke about how Romney helped her and her family when her son was dying. This is the story that had rivers of tears on television, on the convention floor last night. This man and woman went out and talked about their teenage son, 14 years old, who came down with terminal cancer in Massachusetts. They told the story of how Romney went to visit him often, and they became friends. Romney and the young boy became friends. Actual, real friends.

The young boy knew he was dying, and that’s where Mrs. Oparowski picks up the story…

OPAROWSKI: Together, they made David’s will. That is a task that no child should ever have to do. But it gave David peace of mind. So, after David’s death, we were able to give his skateboard, his model rockets, and his fishing gear to his best friends. How many men do you know who would take the time out of their busy lives to visit a terminally ill 14-year-old and help him settle his affairs? David also helped us plan his funeral. He wanted to be buried in his Boy Scout uniform. He wanted Mitt to pronounce his eulogy, and Mitt was there to honor that request. We will be ever grateful to Mitt for his love and concern.

CONVENTION: (applause)

RUSH: Now, that’s the tail end of it. The whole story is Ted and Pat Oparowski are a couple who lived in Medford, Massachusetts, in the seventies. They knew Romney from church. When their 14-year-old son, David, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease in 1979, Romney, because of the church connection, visited the boy regularly. And they developed a loving, genuine friendship. And Pat Oparowski recounted the many times that Romney came to see her and her son. His cancer was terminal. During one visit, Ms. Oparowski recalled, David — knowing Mitt had gone to law school at Harvard — asked if he would help him write a will.

“During one visit, Mrs. Oparowski recalled, ‘David, knowing Mitt had gone to law school at Harvard, asked Mitt if he would help him write a will. He had some prize possessions that he wanted to make sure were given to his closest friends and family. … it gave David peace of mind. So after DavidÂ’s death, we were able to give his skateboard, his model rockets, and his fishing gear to his best friends. He also made it clear that his brother Peter should get his Ruger .22 rifle. How many men do you know who would take the time out of their busy lives to visit a terminally ill 14-year-old and help him settle his affairs?'” And there were no dry eyes to be found.

And then another story. This is a woman named Pam Finlayson, a Romney family friend. She spoke about how Romney helped her and her family when her daughter was born prematurely.

FINLAYSON: As I sat with her in intensive care, consumed with a mother’s worry and fear, dear Mitt came to visit and pray with me. As our clergy, he was one of very few visitors allowed, and I will never forget how, when he looked down tenderly at my daughter, his eyes filled with tears, and he reached out and gently stroked her tiny back. I could tell immediately that he didn’t just see a tangle of plastic and tubes and wires. He saw our beautiful little girl, and he was clearly overcome with compassion for her.

RUSH: She was born prematurely. Keep that in mind, as Mrs. Finlayson continues.

FINLAYSON: When Thanksgiving rolled around, Kate was still struggling for life. Brain surgery was scheduled, and the holiday was the furthest thing from our minds. But that morning, I opened my door to find Mitt and his boys, arms loaded down with a Thanksgiving feast.

RUSH: Hmm, for a family and their daughter born prematurely. You know what they always say, “Character is what you do when nobody’s looking.” And nobody was looking. Nobody was paying attention. Nobody knew about any of this ’til last night. Ms. Finlayson one more time.

FINLAYSON: After 26 years of both miracles and struggle, she passed away just a year and a half ago. In the midst of making the final decision to run for president, which had to be the most difficult of their lives, when they heard of Kate’s passing, both Mitt and Ann paused to personally reach out to us and extend us sympathy and express their love. It seems to me when it comes to loving our neighbor, we can talk about it, or we can live it. The Romneys live it every single day. (applause)

RUSH: Dare I mention — again, we have here a little girl born prematurely, dare I mention the nation’s number one supporter of infanticide in Illinois. I don’t know, should I do that? Barack Obama was the leader in the state of Illinois for making sure that if a baby survived an abortion, that a new doctor be brought in to finish the job. That’s what Obama’s known for. And in his party, he, too, is a hero. He’s a hero for a different reason. Woman intended the abortion, by God, bring a doctor in here, if the first one botches it, we’re gonna bring another one in to finish the job, take the pressure off the original doctor and off the mother. Now, after what you’ve just heard, let’s go back to Obama Tuesday in Ames, Iowa, talking about Mitt Romney.
OBAMA: Governor Romney promised that sometime between taking the oath of office and going to the inaugural ball, he’d sit right down, grab a pen, and kick seven million young people off their parents’ plan by repealing health reform. Day one, that’s what he says he’s gonna do. Maybe we should call his plan “Romney Doesn’t Care,” ’cause I do care.

RUSH: Right, there you go.

OBAMA: I do care.

RUSH: Mitt Romney Doesn’t Care. Exactly right. What Romney wants is for people to have health care, and he knows that Obamacare is not how that’s gonna happen.


RUSH: Where are all the acts of generosity by Obama? Look at what we heard about Romney all week long. Quiet, compassion, generosity. Where are the similar stories about Barack Obama? I mean, you would think after nearly four years in the presidency we would know about these stories. There’s a Wall Street Journal editorial today — I think I put it at the bottom of the Stack — something about somebody might have learned something about his time at Columbia, but they’re not sure. Somebody might have learned something about his time at Columbia University, but they’re not sure.

We don’t know anything. In fact, we do know that the brother who lives in the hut called Dinesh D’Souza. George Onyango Obama’s son needed some medical care, a thousand dollars worth. He called Dinesh D’Souza, who had interviewed him for his movie that he has out now, 2016. And Dinesh said, “Okay, look, anybody can call here and make this up.” He found out it was George Obama and it was a legitimate medical issue. So he gave him the money. He didn’t call his own brother. He didn’t even think to call. My brother is not gonna get me anything. Obviously not. His brother is still living in a hut. And yet, automatically it’s just assumed, “Yeah, there’s real compassion there.” Real compassion. That’s true. He has compassion for his cronies at places like Solyndra.

See, there’s a real difference between caring for people and being seen as caring for people. There is a real difference between real compassion and being seen as compassionate. And with the left, it’s all imagery.

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