Caller Attended NAALCP Convention

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 12,2012

RUSH: Here’s Mariah somewhere in Pennsylvania. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hi.

CALLER: Thanks for having me, Rush.

RUSH: My pleasure.

CALLER: I was at the NAACP convention for the first day, and a lot of things that you were talking about were true. It was very interesting to see. Some people were protesting in front of the NAACP convention, and they were black, and they had signs about how the NAACP supports gay marriage and
abortion, “black genocide,” and stuff like that. Also, the whole concept of the convention was, “Vote for Obama.” And if you mentioned — well, they called him “The Other Guy” — Mitt, you were just, like, in the wrong place and you just thought the wrong thing.

RUSH: So your point is that there were people protesting NAACP but nobody reported this?


RUSH: Yeah. Well, here’s the thing. I think the NAACP… Nobody cares what the NAACP thinks because none of it is a surprise. The NAACP is just your next average, leftist extremist group. Some people think that Romney shouldn’t even have gone. It’s a waste of his time to go there. Other people, hearing from them today, think that he scored a home run because of the way he spoke to them and how that’s being reported above and beyond the NAACP. But if anybody harbors the idea that the NAACP is gonna do anything other than support Obama, give it up. Not happening. They’re no different than any other far-left interest group. They’re gonna do everything they can to kill Romney at the ballot box just like every other liberal group is.

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