Wackos Blame Wildfires on Global Warming

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 3,2012

RUSH: Now the fires — that’s global warming — yep. That’s exactly right. “Colorado Wildfires Are Due to Climate Change.”

You know why the fires are raging out of control? I don’t know what started ’em, but the environmentalist wackos won’t let anybody go in there and clear the deadwood out. So
forests in this country remain tinderboxes. It doesn’t take anything to start a fire there. They will not allow forests to be cleared, the deadwood taken out. All there is, therefore, is a bunch of kindling. It is not an exaggeration. The vast, vast majority of problems we have in this country are directly traceable to liberals, Democrats. I know that that sounds simplistic and it probably is not pervasive, but I’m sorry, I don’t know how else to say it. I really don’t. And it isn’t complicated.

It isn’t complicated to explain why these things are happening.

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