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RUSH: That speech yesterday — 54, 57 minutes, whatever it was — was an utter disaster. And all afternoon yesterday and all last night, the State-Controlled Media was in sheer panic over it. And somebody finally figured out that Obama was suckered into this by no less than Mitt Romney! Apparently, folks. Remember when Axelrod was in Boston last week and a bunch of Romney people showed up and heckled and asked questions and basically embarrassed Axelrod? Apparently the regime said, “You don’t do that to us! That’s what we do to you, but you don’t do that to us.”

Romney’s speech yesterday that was scheduled first. It was Obama who then scheduled his speech after. And actually Solyndra is part of this, too. Because apparently the regime (and Obama personally) was livid that Romney went out to Solyndra and stood in front of the boarded-up headquarters and all the dilapidated signage and did an appearance to illustrate the bankrupt nature of Obama’s green policies initiative. That bugged ’em. So this yesterday in Ohio was Obama getting even. And the press, they knew this.

They didn’t report it that way, but they knew that, and they were all excited about it, and so they built this thing up. They built this Obama speech up. It was gonna be a “major” reset! You heard it. You know all about it. They really lifted those expectations. And they thought it was a slam dunk because, “Obama gives speeches better than anybody! Nobody’s even close. Nobody can hold a candle to Barack Obama. This guy, he’s the best speechmaker, he’s the best president, he’s the smartest guy we ever had!”

They had every hope and dream they’ve ever had channeled into this speech. And it was a bomb. It was a dud. You know what the Romney team did? After Romney’s speech, the Romney bus went to the site (the Cuyahoga Community College) where Obama was. And the bus drove around the place honking. It was basically, you know, a practical joke. They were honking and interrupting. Not the speech. The speech was going on inside, but as people were lined up to get into Obama’s speech, Romney’s bus drove around the place a couple of times and was taunting everybody.

And this ticked ’em off.

Mitt Romney!

Mitt Romney… I don’t know if Romney was in the bus, the Romney campaign bus. There are probably a bunch of Romney buses. But a Romney bus went to where Obama was speaking while people were lined up. It circled the place twice, I’m told, and honked its horns and basically taunted the people lined up to get into Obama’s speech. Then… (interruption) McCain has not demanded an apology. Jeb Bush has not decried “partisanship.” I’m telling you, Obama’s team, they were discombobulated. So this speech yesterday was basically to pay Romney back for what he did to Axelrod in Boston and going out to Solyndra.

So they built this thing up and it was just a disaster. And these press people, they couldn’t hide it; they couldn’t lie about it. It was that bad. Jonathan Alter: “Worst speech I’ve ever heard him give.” They started coming up with theories that they thought maybe could explain it. And they gave ’em all up and they had to conclude that it was an utter, absolute disaster. Now, the RNC has put together an Internet ad. It’s three minutes long. I have a one-minute limit here on sound bites. I told you, Cookie, “Give me the whole thing. I’ll start it and stop it.”

What they did is the RNC took elements of Obama’s speech yesterday and went back to a previous Obama speech and took identical phrases and sentences and sandwiched them back-to-back to illustrate: It’s tired. It’s old. It’s worn out. It’s the same old teleprompter. It’s nothing new. Stale, old, rotten, just typically antiquated. So I have the audio of this, and when you hear the same things — when you hear Obama say the same thing twice — understand that once was in Cleveland yesterday. The other was in a previous speech this year.

In the video version they have graphics that indicate the date when Obama said it. I haven’t heard it yet. I’ve just read about it. I haven’t seen it yet ’cause I don’t watch a whole lot of videos on the computer. So I’m gonna be listening to this for the first time. You may have seen it. It’s three minutes. I’ll start-stop it as we go. I hope it translates to radio. You realize most hosts would not take this risk? Most hosts would preview it first. They’d make sure it works for radio, and if it doesn’t, they wouldn’t use it. I, El Rushbo, am not bound by such conventions ’cause I can make it work even if it doesn’t.

So let’s listen to it and let’s see what it sounds like.

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: I believe this is a make-or-break moment for America’s middle class.

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: [T]his is a make-or-break moment for America’s middle class …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: Over the last few decades …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: Over the last few decades …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: … the income of the top 1% …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: … the income of the top 1% …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: …has grown by more than 275% …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: … grew by more than 275% …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: … to an average of $1.3 million a year.

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: … to an average of $1.3 million a year.

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: But I also share the belief …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: But I do share the belief …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: … of our first Republican president …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: … of our first Republican president …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: … Abraham Lincoln …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: … Abraham Lincoln …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: … a belief that through government …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: … through government …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: …we should do together …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: …we should do together …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: … what we cannot do as well for ourselves.

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: … what we cannot do as well for ourselves.

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: As much as we might associate the GI Bill with Franklin Roosevelt …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: As much as we might associate the GI Bill with Franklin Roosevelt …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: … or Medicare with Lyndon Johnson …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: … or Medicare with Lyndon Johnson …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: … it was a Republican, Lincoln …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: … it was a Republican, Lincoln …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: … who launched the Trans-Continental Railroad …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: … who launched the Trans-Continental Railroad …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: … the National Academy of Sciences …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: … the National Academy of Sciences …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: … land grant colleges.

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: … land grant colleges.

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: It was Eisenhower who launched the Interstate Highway System …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: It was a Republican, Eisenhower, who launched the Interstate Highway System …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: … investment in scientific research.

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: … and a new era of scientific research.

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: It was Richard Nixon who created the Environmental Protection Agency …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: It was Nixon who created the Environmental Protection Agency …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: … Ronald Reagan who worked with Democrats to save Social Security …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: … Reagan who worked with Democrats to save Social Security …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: [N]early ten million college students would see their financial aid cut by an average of more than $1,000 each.

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: [T]en million college students would lose an average of $1,000 dollars each on financial aid.

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: Two-hundred-thousand children would lose the chance to get an early education in the Head Start program.

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: Two-hundred-thousand children would lose the chance to get an early education in the Head Start program.

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: There would be 1,600 fewer medical research grants …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: There would be 1,600 fewer medical research grants …

RUSH: Stop the tape. We’re not through. We probably have another minute of this. This is the RNC doing this. And McCain hasn’t apologized for this ad, either! But these are… You can hear identical phrases from previous speeches repeated yesterday, and this is one of the reasons why the Drive-Bys were so disappointed. They’ve heard it all before. It’s all a bunch of BS. It’s a crock. All these stats, all these assertions are BS. They know it. They’ve been covering for it, but it was just an utter disaster.

And I’ll tell you something else. Well, this doesn’t include the stuff where he blamed Bush, but here’s the thing. What this highlights is the incompetence of the campaign. You go back to 2008 and they basically had one speech. It was the lower-the-sea-level speech. It was this hope and change. And that’s what they’ve got now. They’ve got one speech that they recycle and add a few little differences from place to place.

Here, let’s listen to the rest of this.

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012:… for things like Alzheimer’s and cancer and AIDS.

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012:… for things like Alzheimer’s and cancer and AIDS.

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: Four thousand fewer scientific research grants …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: Four thousand fewer scientific research grants …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012:… eliminating support for 48,000 researchers, students and teachers.

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: … eliminating support for 48,000 researchers, students and teachers.

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: But prosperity sure didn’t trickle down …

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: But prosperity never trickled down …

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: We had the slowest job growth in half a century.

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: We had the slowest job growth in half a century.

OBAMA APRIL 3, 2012: And the typical American family actually saw their incomes fall.

OBAMA JUNE 14, 2012: The typical American family actually saw their incomes fall.

WOMAN: The Republican National Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

RUSH: And at the end of it with there’s a little graphic that says, “Good grief.” Good grief! This ad is the latest proof that Obama is a one-trick teleprompter.

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