Hurricane Forecasters Admit They Can’t Predict Hurricanes

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 13,2011

RUSH: Let’s go back to June 2nd, 2003, June 2nd, 2003. This is me on this program.

RUSH ARCHIVE: These hurricane forecast guys — who do not know what they’re talking about. I mean, there is literally, my friends, there’s no way you can know how many hurricanes you are gonna have, there’s no way you can know other than seasonal averages how many big ones, and there’s no way you can know where they’re gonna hit and all that. But yet they’ve come out with their forecast: And this is going to be the worst hurricane season in many decades.

RUSH: Every year. Every year. First it’s Colorado State University’s William Gray, and then NASA comes out with their forecast, and then Accuweather comes out with theirs. I mean, they all do — and you know what? These are taken seriously. I remember one year, and this is not that long ago, one year — it was not a hurricane forecast, it was an El Nino forecast — some bunch put out a forecast that the Florida winter was going to be 20 degrees below normal. People from Europe and northern climates began canceling their seasonal hotel revelations because of this forecast, and the forecast was made in September, October that El Nino was gonna cause a bitterly cold south Florida winter.

And it was all bogus. Well, “Two top US hurricane forecasters, revered like rock stars in Deep South hurricane country, are quitting the practice because it doesn’t work. William Gray and Phil Klotzbach say a look back shows their past 20 years of forecasts had no value. The two scientists from Colorado State University will still discuss different probabilities as hurricane seasons approach — a much more cautious approach. But the shift signals how far humans are, even with supercomputers, from truly knowing what our weather will do next.”

Forecasts had no value.

Now, I first saw this reported in the Ottawa Citizen in Canada. These two scientists, William Gray and Phil Klotzbach, released this statement six days ago, and we just hear about it today. They release their statement on December 7th. So far, not one United States mainstream news outlet has bothered to pick up the story. Apparently the public doesn’t have the need or the right to know about such things. Folks, do you know how many people went out and bought insurance policies based on these forecasts? Do you know how much money was spent to protect from upcoming hurricanes or to prepare for, or to insure against or whatever? And, by the way, I like Bill Gray. I don’t want to be misunderstood here.

I think this takes guts to do this. I would expect next somebody in the global warming community is going to say the same thing, that their research over the last 20 years has shown that it has no value, that it is worthless, that we don’t know what we’re talking about. Bill Gray, to his credit, has constantly said, “Global warming has nothing to do with hurricanes. It has nothing to do with their formation, it has nothing to do with their intense, it has nothing to do with their volume, it has nothing to do with anything.” But now 20 years, 20 years, they went back and looked 20 years of forecasting has been found to have zilch value.


RUSH: Bill Gray at Colorado State University basically throwing in the towel. This is a major, major thing. They announce this on December 7th. It still hasn’t shown up in the American media, and there’s a reason obviously it hasn’t shown up. It might undercut the popular idea that computer models can predict the weather decades from now. The whole global warming hoax is based on computer models and fraudulently faked data like tree cores, ice cores, whatever else they make up — and what Bill Gray has basically said is we’ve gone back and we’ve examined our work for the last two decades, the last 20 years, and it’s of no value. Our computers were worthless in predicting any aspect of hurricane activity year to year.

So I went back to the archives of my own program, and I found this November 26, 2007, about four years ago. I said this: “If they can’t tell us in March,” which is when the first real seasonal forecast is always issued, “If they can’t tell us in March how many hurricanes we’re going to have between June 1st and November 30th in a single year, then the question must be asked. Since they believe hurricanes are part of global warming, part of the whole carbon emissions greenhouse gases meme, why in the world are we to accept any prediction they make for 50 years out, 30 years out, or even ten years out — particularly when those forecasts involve man-made activities — and yet in March, we don’t know how many hurricanes we’re gonna have?”

On that same day, November 26th of 2007, there was also a story in the UK Telegraph which claimed “Mankind Shortening the Universe’s Life,” and that story was based on all of these similar kind of models that Bill Gray and Phil Klotzbach were using to predict their hurricanes. This is major, and the fact that the American media has ignored it is tantamount evidence that global warming is nothing more than a political issue, part of an agenda of socialism, Marxism, whatever you want to call it that’s to be advanced. A huge, huge thing. Bill Gray is a hero here. He is really a hero. You have to commend these guys, Gray and Klotzbach, for having the courage to admit the truth. You know, they’re putting their reputations at risk here, perhaps a lot of grant money for Colorado, Colorado State University. I mean they’ve just come out and said their whole department’s work had no value!

December 7th, ladies and gentlemen, this all came out — December 7th — and not a word has been said about it in the US media.

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