RUSH: The power of EIB on display recently. Yesterday Mitt Romney was in Ohio to ostensibly lend support to John Kasich’s efforts to rein in the state unions. When asked about it, (paraphrasing) “Oh, no, no, no. I can’t say that I endorse this. It’s a states’ rights issue, people of Ohio.” So we mentioned this, and a number of other people did, too. But from NBC News: “Romney Backtracks, Says He Fully Supports Ohio Governor ‘110 Percent’ — After declining to comment yesterday on Ohio’s collective-bargaining law, Romney today said he apologizes for the confusion. He said he fully
supports Ohio Gov. John Kasich ‘110%.’ ‘I’m sorry if I created any confusion in that regard,’ Romney said at a rally in Fairfax, VA. ‘I fully support Gov. Kasich, I think it’s called Question 2, in Ohio. Fully support that.'”
Now, I think it was last week, maybe the week before, Daniel Henninger of the Wall Street Journal wrote a piece about Romney and said the jury’s still out. He said Romney is going to have to be pushed via competition, outside pressure, what have you, is going to have to be pushed to the right, and this I think is an example of what Henninger meant. Romney being pushed to the right. We’re always happy here at the EIB Network to help clear up any confusion in political candidates’ minds. We’re happy to help; happy to provide the clarity.