Rev. Jackson Gets in on the Action

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 23,2011

RUSH: The Reverend Jackson, ladies and gentlemen, not happy as well. He’s in the same camp as Maxine Waters. He was also on MSNBC today on Jansing & Co. The hostette infobabe anchorette Chris Jansing interviewing the Monochrome Coalition’s Reverend Jackson, and during a discussion about Obama and the 2012 presidential race, Jansing said to Jackson, “90% plus of African-Americans have supported the president. Do you feel he can do more and needs to do more?”

JACKSON: Black voters gave the first votes and the most votes and now have the most pain. The highest infant mortality rate, the shortest life expectancy, least access to jobs and
capital, so obviously it must be targeted for more than just for votes. If I can use the analogy of the great Titanic. There are those in the Tea Party that want to destroy the captain and preserve those on the deck and preserve those in the cabins but the water is gushing up the bottom and more and more people are falling in the sink.

RUSH: What in the world is he talking about? When that bite first started, I was saying, “Whoa, I’ve never heard this before. We’ve got Jesse Jackson ripping into a black president, a Democrat president for the following circumstances: highest mortality rate, shortest life expectancy, least access to jobs and capital, obviously they must be targeted for more than votes. If I could use analysis of the great Titanic, those in the Tea Party want to destroy the captian.” So somehow it’s now the Tea Party’s fault that the highest mortality rate and the shortest life expectancy is in the black community, and least access to jobs and capital in the black community is the Tea Party’s fault. And then want to destroy the captain and preserve those on the deck and those in the cabins but the waters are gushing in from the bottom and more and more people are falling into the sink. Now, you know, I don’t want to nitpick here, but the Titanic was never in a sink. But it is what it is.

Let’s go back in time. July 6, 2008, Fox & Friends Sunday, Monochrome Coalition chairman Reverend Jackson and the United Health Group executive vice president chief of medical affairs Reed Tuckson appeared and while waiting to talk to the anchors, while in the greenroom, somewhere off set the Reverend Jackson’s mic, unknown to him, was live.

JACKSON: (whispering) You see Barack been talking down to black people on this faith based. I wanna cut his nuts (bleeped) off. Barack, he’s talking down to black people.

RUSH: If you see it he gave a little oompff there with his right hand, want to cut his nuts — (interruption) You couldn’t understand what he was saying ’cause he was whispering? All right, here’s a transcript of what the Reverend Jackson was saying. He’s whispering to Reed Tuckson. “You see Barack been talking down to black people on this faith based? I wanna cut his nuts (bleep) off. Barack, he talking down to black people.” Well, it got out there, and everybody except the iceberg started apologizing. Fox apologized, the microphone apologized. By the way, I don’t know if this has ever crossed the Reverend Jackson’s mind, his Titanic analogy, iceberg was white.