Libs Recycle Warmed Over Tactic to Push Their Climate Change Hoax

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 19,2011

RUSH: Last night on PBS’ Charlie Rose Show, he interviewed Conservation International Cofounder and CEO Peter Seligmann. During a discussion about “climate change,” Charlie Rose said, “Why does the debate linger?”

SELIGMANN: Ah, it lingers because, um… as I say, science is partially ideology.

ROSE: Mitt Romney got in political trouble with some people — you know, with Rush Limbaugh and others — by suggesting that there’s a human contribution to global warming.

SELIGMANN: If there was a 1% chance (pause) that the plane you were getting into this morning (pause) to fly here (pause) was gonna crash (pause) would you get on that plane? (dramatic pause) The answer is always no.

ROSE: Right.

SELIGMANN: Okay. So let’s assume that there’s only a 20% chance that climate change science is right. (pause) Do you take the risk of not responding to it?

RUSH: You know, that’s the argument these people have been using for decades. I first heard this argument made by a Professor (what was it?) Oppenheimer. Some guy named Oppenheimer. It was on This Week with David Brinkley when I was in Sacramento, and I remember it was the summertime (it had to be 1985) and back then of global warming he said, “We can’t prove it. We can’t prove it,” and it was just five years earlier that Newsweek and TIME Magazine had their cover stories on global cooling and the coming of a new ice age. So these guys are out now with global warming, and we only had 20 years. We only had 20 years — and if we were wrong, then disaster was gonna happen and we would not be able to do anything about it.

And the argument was: “We can’t prove it, but what if we’re right? We had better get started now! There’s no harm even if we’re wrong,” and, of course, there would be tremendous harm because the solution to manmade global warming is communism. The solution to manmade global warming is socialism. That’s what it’s all about. So here comes this guy, “Conservation International” Cofounder Peter Seligmann: “Okay, let’s assume there’s only a 20% chance that climate change science is right. Do you take the risk of not responding to it?” We know it’s a hoax! It’s been established as a hoax — and, by the way, if there was a 1% chance that that plane you were getting into this morning was gonna fly here was gonna crash, would you get on it? People do every day. People get on every day. There is a percentage that an airplane is gonna crash, and people get on ’em every day. Make no mistake about it.

So they’re back now to recycling the same old arguments.


RUSH: I want to go back, ladies and gentlemen, to this Peter Seligmann bite. A thought just struck me here. Peter Seligmann last night on Charlie Rose was talking about manmade global warming and Charlie Rose wondering why the debate’s still lingering. Here’s the bite again.

SELIGMANN: Ah, it lingers because, um… as I say, science is partially ideology.

RUSH: Wait a minute! Stop! Hold it just a second. Stop. Did you hear that? “[S]cience is partly ideology.” No, it is not, folks! That is a profound admission by this guy. He ought to be thrown out of the club for that. “[S]cience is in part ideology”? Ha! Tell that to Einstein. Anyway, that’s not what I wanted to focus on. Here’s the rest of the bite.

ROSE: Mitt Romney got in political trouble with some people — you know, with Rush Limbaugh and others — by suggesting that there’s a human contribution to global warming.

SELIGMANN: If there was a 1% chance (pause) —

RUSH: M’yeeez.

SELIGMANN: — that the plane you were getting into this morning (pause) —

RUSH: M’yeeez!

SELIGMANN: — to fly here (pause) —

RUSH: Yeees!

SELIGMANN: — was gonna crash (pause) would you get on that plane? (dramatic pause) The answer is always no.

ROSE: Right.

RUSH: Riiiiiiight.

SELIGMANN: Okay. So let’s assume that there’s only a 20% chance that climate change science is right. (pause)

RUSH: Right! Yeees. Right right right right.

SELIGMANN: Do you take the risk of not responding to it?

RUSH: Right. So for a 1% chance that these people are right, we are gonna fly our whole economy into a mountain? On a 1% chance — on a 1% chance that there is manmade global warming — we’re gonna go communist? We’re gonna go socialist?


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