“If we try to go Obama Lite to please these mythical independents, we lose.”
“Where’s it written that a woman would not appeal to independents? I think that a woman could appeal to the so-called independents.”
“They’re already making fun of Herman Cain and the way he talks on television. They never did that with the Bamster, as you know. It was just the exact opposite.”
“Some people lie to the call screener, but we detect them immediately and get rid of them in ways you never even know. But they don’t survive, trust me.”
“As you well know if you’ve ever had a fight with your wife or your husband — if you’ve ever had an argument with anyone — once you have to start explaining, you’re finished. Are you not?”
“What the Democrats hope to achieve here is a coordinated effort with other Democrats and the media of going to the Republicans and making them explain this destruction, this sabotage.”
“It has been a political calculation from the beginning not to present a budget because at some point these people have known that their president and their policies are destroying the nation’s economy.”
“Obama, the guy who is sabotaging the economy, is being given cover by the wimps on our side who are afraid that leveling that charge will send the independents running to the Democrats. But somehow when the Democrats make the charge that the Republicans are sabotaging the economy, the independents are gonna stay with the Democrats!”
“There are all kinds of opportunities for Democrats in releasing this oil, but in terms of having any actual impact on the supply that would affect price, it won’t have any.”
“If Herman Cain is to get noticed, he’s gonna have to do something himself that gets him noticed. You do it with substance or you do it with, you know, walking around wearing women’s underwear.”
“If we try to go Obama Lite to please these mythical independents, we lose.”
“Where’s it written that a woman would not appeal to independents? I think that a woman could appeal to the so-called independents.”
“They’re already making fun of Herman Cain and the way he talks on television. They never did that with the Bamster, as you know. It was just the exact opposite.”
“Some people lie to the call screener, but we detect them immediately and get rid of them in ways you never even know. But they don’t survive, trust me.”
“As you well know if you’ve ever had a fight with your wife or your husband — if you’ve ever had an argument with anyone — once you have to start explaining, you’re finished. Are you not?”
“What the Democrats hope to achieve here is a coordinated effort with other Democrats and the media of going to the Republicans and making them explain this destruction, this sabotage.”
“It has been a political calculation from the beginning not to present a budget because at some point these people have known that their president and their policies are destroying the nation’s economy.”
“Obama, the guy who is sabotaging the economy, is being given cover by the wimps on our side who are afraid that leveling that charge will send the independents running to the Democrats. But somehow when the Democrats make the charge that the Republicans are sabotaging the economy, the independents are gonna stay with the Democrats!”
“There are all kinds of opportunities for Democrats in releasing this oil, but in terms of having any actual impact on the supply that would affect price, it won’t have any.”
“If Herman Cain is to get noticed, he’s gonna have to do something himself that gets him noticed. You do it with substance or you do it with, you know, walking around wearing women’s underwear.”
“When it comes to me and my thinking on the debt limit, isn’t the point that we have to LOWER these obligations that we have?”
“Even now at this late date (and we are literally here at the 11th hour) the Democrats will not admit that we don’t have a revenue problem, but we have a spending problem.”
“Every day of the summer I was cognizant of. Every day, I was well aware of it. Now, they just go by so quick. They just go by so fast — and I’m sure that it’s true for many of you, too.”
“When I hear people say, ‘Rush the substance doesn’t matter. The people are gonna vote on how somebody looks and sounds, and that’s all that matters,’ sometimes I ask myself: Why am I doing what I’m doing?”
“You people in this audience are a very informed group of individuals. You really are. You ought to see the audience research that we’ve done on the people that listen to this program. You’d be amazed to know how unique you are as an audience.”
“The Democrats like lies, and they like misrepresentations, they like fallacies. The Democrats like mean-spirited extremism, as long as it comes from the Democrats. But they don’t like even the truth coming from Republicans if it happens to be said about Obama. This is what they tell us. Not the independents; the Democrats.”
“I’ve always said that we need to redefine what is smart, ’cause I don’t think Obama’s smart. I go totally against the conventional wisdom.”
“Herman probably represents everything the news media says does not exist. Herman Cain is articulate; he is highly successful; he is a conservative Republican who is black; and that is what they tell you doesn’t exist.”
“You identify yourself as a black conservative and you may as well be admitting that you’re a whore or a prostitute, an Uncle Tom, you’ve been bought off, whatever, you aren’t real.”
“It’s not possible for a black person to be conservative. The way the media and the left look at this country, a black person who is conservative is a black person who would agree with the whole notion of slavery and would wanna be a slave owner. That’s how bad it is that is how devoid and distanced from reality that they are.”
“The media will not even admit that somebody like Herman Cain can exist. Look what they do to black Americans who identify themselves as conservatives.”
“Not only is there no fairness in politics, there really isn’t any fairness in life, when you get down to brass tacks.”
“This is the most listened to radio talk show in the country — except for the length of this call.”
“The fact that media liberals trash our women doesn’t mean they can’t attract votes, but I’ll tell you, that’s what so many of our people think. I can’t get away from people who think Palin’s a guaranteed loser.”
“If we had nominated Gerald Ford against Jimmy Carter rather than Ronald Reagan, what do you think the outcome would have been? Remember, Ronaldus Magnus was said to be too far to the right. Ronaldus Magnus, the Republican mainstream, he’s just too far out there.”
“This notion that traditional conservatism, fealty to the founding of this country can’t win is preposterous. I think it’s responding in total defense to the left, exactly how they want us to.”
“Monday and Tuesday I, El Rushbo, will be out, and will have Mark Davis in from Dallas.”