Rush’s Morning Update: Road Rage

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 5,2011

Here’s a sad little note from California. For the last six years, owners of hybrid vehicles have enjoyed special road privileges in the Golden State. But those days of riding on top of the world are coming to an end.

The state gave 85,000 drivers who purchased cars like the Toyota Prius and Honda Civic Hybrid … special little stickers for their cars – identifying them as “clean air” automobiles. With those pretty little stickers, the hybrids could use express lanes reserved for carpools, and zip around traffic.

Not anymore.

The old hybrids are no longer clean enough. So unless the do-gooder, environmentalist-wacko, clean-air drivers buy a new generation of “clean cars” – they’re going to have to ride in the same traffic as the rest of the peasants who own “dirty cars.”

A spokesman for state Senator Leland Yee said: “If you have these stickers go on forever and then you create the new stickers for the cleaner cars, eventually you just fill up those lanes and there’s no point to them.” Whatever the hell that means.

Now – a bit of advice to you California drivers of SUVs and other high-powered “dirty cars.” When these wackos show up in your traffic lane – be nice to them. Don’t make them eat your exhaust fumes; don’t honk; and don’t get frustrated when they gum up traffic even worse. The poor “ex-clean” car owner’s egos are battered enough already. These liberals could be seconds away from “road rage” as it is!