RUSH: Two hundred seventy-eight thousand to create a single job. And of course there weren’t any meaningful jobs created with stimulus money. They were state government jobs, in most cases just to keep state workers employed so that their union dues would be deducted ’cause the union dues end up back at the Democrat Party. It’s a classic money laundering operation. But the stimulus was almost a trillion dollars. So they are still claiming they created a lot of government jobs at $278,000 apiece. Some of the stimulus money went to corporations with close ties to the Democrat Party and Obama, like General Electric.
Now, that White House report was from some of the same Obama economists who helped plan the stimulus in the first place, the same economists who assured us that the stimulus would keep unemployment at 8%, same economists who are now pushing for another round of stimulus spending. There is a great story coming up today that I have in the Wall Street Journal today about DSK, Dominique Strauss, whatever his name is. And the question being asked is, “Why and how did everybody in the media automatically believe the maid?” And it’s the same question you could ask, “How and why did everybody in the media automatically believe the dancer at the Duke lacrosse players’ party?” It’s a serious question, and it calls into question what we’ve been calling into question for 23 years here, and that is the business practices of the Drive-By Media. What is it that captures their attention about a story, and what are the narratives and the templates that are automatically filled in without any curiosity and without any real facts?
They just run with it. And then when you start imagining other issues such as manmade global warming — this is a great story — you can easily see how most of what’s in the media is a bunch of lies. None of it is real and none of it is true. It’s all based on the biases and a couple of other more complicated things