CALLER: Yes, sir.
RUSH: One of my all-time favorite comedians was Professor Irwin Corey.
CALLER: Oh, yes!
RUSH: I loved Professor Irwin Corey.
CALLER: Yeah, I was wondering if you were big on Laugh In, MAD magazine in your early years, what it might be.
RUSH: Well, yeah. I liked MAD magazine. I loved Laugh In. I loved impressionists.
CALLER: Yes, exactly.
RUSH: The Rich Littles of the world.
CALLER: There we go.
RUSH: Myron Cohen. I laughed at Myron Cohen. Freddie Roman in New York and some of these guys, they were just the best.
CALLER: They sure rubbed off on you very well, sir.
RUSH: Well, I appreciate your asking me that, ’cause it’s great to be able to mention their names.
CALLER: Glad to hear it.
RUSH: Thanks much.
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