Total Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 3,2011

Read the wide array of articles that the EIB staff puts together and that El Rushbo reads for show prep. Note: some websites change or deactivate stories after we link them here.

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These are resources that I have added to everything else that I use forshow prep. Show prep is, of course, an ongoing and never-ending thing. • The Page • NR’s The Corner • Hugh Hewitt • Power Line
• Red State • Pajamas Media • Strata-Sphere • Michelle Malkin • Debbie Schlussel • Hot-Air • Insta-Pundit

(Rome On Alert After Parcel Bombs Explode at Two Embassies)
(Americans Boost Holiday Spending)
(Medvedev Hails U.S. Senate’s Approval of Nuclear Treaty)
(Man Seen Rolling Suitcase Stuffed With Body)
(Driver Who Killed Pitcher Gets 51 Years)
(POLL: Which of the ‘Fantastic Four’ should Marvel kill off?)

The Heritage Foundation
(Blog Posts on The Foundry)
(Morning Bell: Merry Christmas, Moscow)
(Support Heritage’s Year-End Campaign)

(FCC: Czars of the Internet?)

Rasmussen Reports
(Daily Presidential Tracking Poll)
(Voters Question Whether Russia Will Honor New START Treaty)
(Majority of Voters Say Protecting Individual Rights Is Government’s Chief Role)
(45% Are Having Difficulty Getting In the Holiday Spirit, 49% Are Not)

Gallup Poll
(Consumer Spending Shows a Pre-Christmas Surge)

(Obama Cites `Season of Progress’ With Tax Deal, Jobless Aid, Russia Treaty)

The Politico
(Murkowski goes rogue)
(A white, sandy Christmas for Obama)
(2012 hopefuls to skip Hispanic forum)
(Bush narrates ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’)

The New York Post
(Page Six)
(Rex Ryan Bares His “Sole” in Kinky Feet Videos with Wife)
(Body-dump fiend caught on camera)
(Giants pumped to reprise success on Lambeau’s tundra)
(Behind Bam’s excellent month)
(Thomas Sowell: Beltway a fount of bad ideas )

(The Note)
(Explosions Reported at Swiss, Chilean Embassies in Rome)
(How to Beat Angry Birds)
(Car Crashes Onto President Bush’s Lawn)
(Man Seen Rolling Suitcase Stuffed With Body)
(Knife-wielding man shot by police in Queens)

The New York Daily News
(End of a ‘national disgrace’ as D.C. pols wake up and finally provide for our 9/11 heroes)
(‘HOLY WAR’: North Korea tells South Korea it’s ready for a nuke-fueled battle)
(‘I’m not Bernie Madoff’: Suspect accused of robbing 11 churches just wanted to pay Con Ed bill)
(Rex Ryan and FootGate make Jets a joke)
(More Obamacare insanity: Sebelius harasses insurers)

The Boston Globe
(A teenager’s simple act elevates all)
(Joshua Green: For Obama, a miracle — sort of)
(Kerry guided arms treaty to victory)

USA Today
(Modern shepherds at Christmas)
(Congress hits stride in ‘lame duck’ session)
(Revis: Rex Ryan told Jets he was ’embarrassed’)
(Napolitano: Historic strides in past year)
(Obama arrives in Hawaii for vacation, seclusion)
(Unemployment claims edge down, spending up)

The Wall Street Journal; Opinion Journal
(Alan Reynolds: Taxes and the Top Percentile Myth)
(Henninger: Holiday Optimism, Limited Edition)
(Northeast, Midwest Take Census Spanking)
(Giving Back to Those Who Gave So Much)
(The FDA Is Evading the Law)
(O’Grady: WikiLeaks, Honduras and the U.S.)
(Joy Behar Is the Philistine for Not Appreciating Lewis)

National Review Online
Blogs: The Corner | Media Blog | Frum’s Diary | Mark Levin | Sixers
(It makes no sense choosing new Americans by dumb luck.)
(Nixon, Kissinger, and the Times)

The American Spectator
(Obama’s Last-Minute Gifts)
(Behind the Obama comeback in lame-duck season.)
(Judge Richard Posner’s derelictions in the Conrad Black case.)
(Arlen Specter’s shameful — shameless– farewell.)
(An Authentic Christmas)

(Open Thread: Spielberg Advises Pelosi on Branding)
(Oprah: ‘America’s Going to Fall in Love with Sarah Palin – As a Reality TV Star’)
(On Time Magazine’s Top 10 List: Angie Jackson, Live-Tweeting Abortion Mom)
(Sachs Calls Victor Davis Hanson An ‘Extremist Who Has Done More Harm To American People’ Than Any Other Commentator)

The Washington Post
Post Politics Blog
(Arms treaty approval a win for Obama, but GOP critics are gaining momentum)
(Obama hails ‘progress’ despite forecasts of gridlock)
(Stormy but highly productive 111th Congress adjourns)
(Rush to foreclose by Fannie, Freddie helped feed problems with legal paperwork)
(Full-body scanners: Exposing issues of privacy, and body image)
(Obama the Great – if he does say so himself)
(Dave Camp’s plan: Taxes made simple)
(Whither the female sports fan?)

Cybercast News Service
(GAO: Armed Smugglers and Marijuana Growers Threaten the Safety of Americans on Federal Lands)
(Democrats Rush to Make Money Off DADT Repeal)
(American Conservative Union Board Approves Homosexual Republican Group for Planning Role in CPAC)

(Obama Takes ‘Victory Lap,’ Despite Losses on Some Issues)
(Jarrett: Obama Seeks Outsiders for WH Posts)
(Electronic Info Dominates George W. Bush’s Archive)
(Murkowski Abandons Republican Mainstream)

The New York Times
“I must be honest. I can only read so many paragraphs of a New York Times story before I puke.” –Rush Limbaugh
(Sliding Into Second, Even in Winter)
(Editorial: The Senate Surmounts Politics)
(Alabama Town’s Failed Pension Is a Warning)
(Parcel Bomb Explodes at Swiss Embassy in Rome)
(Behind Nevada’s Census Boom, a Story of Bust)
(Green: Climate Change and ‘Balanced’ Coverage)
(Rex Ryan and Jets Encounter Unusual Distraction)
(In Snowy Syracuse, a December That’s Whiter Than Usual)
(For the Hyper-Neat, a Special Strain Comes With the Season)

The Los Angeles Times
(Next storm could arrive in L.A. in time for Christmas)
(Obama emerges from defeat with taste of victory)
(Advocates, administration differ on polar bear’s status)
(How about eating Christmas dinner remotely?)
(Oil hits two-year high, topping $90 a barrel)

Associated Press
(Obama toasts ‘season of progress’ after big wins)
(Obama signs ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ repeal)
(SKorea holds massive new drills after North attack)
(US medicines for Afghan soldiers disappear)
(Iraqi churches cancel Christmas festivities)
(Hillsides collapse as storm lashes SoCal)
(Reid: Treaty buffs Obama as Nobel Prize winner)
(Alternative medicines sometimes dangerous for kids)

(North Korea warns of “sacred war” in standoff with South)
(Washington Extra – Obama has left the building)
(Special report: Overselling the American dream overseas)
(Obama marks accomplishments, spending fight looms)
(From bagels to belt buckles: 2010’s craziest taxes)
(Leading edge of U.S. baby boomers content: survey)
(The dinosaur has arrived — an original story by R.L. Stine)
(Senate inaction kills Diamond nomination to Fed board)
(Senate approves nuclear arms treaty with Russia)
(Police check all Rome embassies after explosions)

The Washington Times
(N. Korea threatens ‘sacred’ nuclear war if attacked)
(Ruling: Emanuel meets residency requirements)
(Senate ratifies New START; Obama gets ‘reset’ with Russia)
(Global warming goes gaga)
(Capitol capitulation)
(Western states win people power in census)
(Obama will dare to Dream again in January)

Media Research Center
(Best Notable Quotables of 2010: The “Half-Baked Alaska Award” for Pummeling Palin)
(Best Notable Quotables of 2010: The “No Wonder It Sold For $1 Award” for Newsweek’s Priceless Bias)

Live Science.com
(Scientists Hunt Clues to Musk Oxen Survival)
(Balloon Measures Cosmic Rays Bombarding Earth)

Human Events
(Childhood Poverty’s Low-Hanging Fruit)
(Coulter: Scrooge Was A Liberal)

The Australian
(ATO bid for ANZ tax haven accounts)
(Oprah not ‘not scared’ by Palin)

The UK Times
(Freedom is too fragile to leave to zealots)

The UK Telegraph
(Christmas getaway: up to 25pc of trains cancelled)
(‘Anarchists’ bomb two Rome embassies)

The Hill
(The Briefing Room)
(Lieberman, Graham want to ‘start again’ on energy legislation)
(After election ‘shellacking,’ Obama racks up string of legislative wins)
(Schumer predicts bipartisanship early in 112th Congress)
(Obama’s praise of GOP Sen. Lugar on START could cut both ways in primary)
(Top Republican on Finance hits back at Reid over healthcare law criticism)

Sweetness & Light
(Obama hails bipartisanship after arms pact passes)

Power Line
(Why do they hate us?)

Red State
(A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words)

(Mortgage applications fall again to year-long low)

Pajamas Media
(American Leftists Refuse to See the Handwriting on the Wall in Europe)

Huffing and Puffington Post
(It Might Be Time to Rebrand It the South American Dream)

The Economist
(Why do firms exist?)
(Emoticon diplomacy ;-))
(We invite you to predict when China will overtake America)
(The days of English as the world’s second language may (slowly) be ending)

Reason Magazine
(Surveying the State of Global Freedom)
(Julian Assange, Feminism, and Rape)
(The Never-Ending “Business of Centralization”)

Investor’s Business Daily
(Rules To Repeal)
(2010: The Year For Terrorists On The Right?)
(The Abiding Faith Of Warm-ongers)
(Our Refusal To Cut Corporate Tax Rates Places U.S. Economic Leadership At Risk)

US News & World Report
(U.S. News Best Value Colleges 2011)
(CIA’s Panetta Brings March Madness to Langley)

(A Dysfunctional Congress is a Congress That Can’t Hurt Us)
(Hollywood and Broadway Team Up to Destroy Spider-Man?)
(Top 25 Left-Wing Films: #17 – ‘The American President’ (1995))
(From ‘Hooey’ to ‘Taken Seriously’: Michael Moore Walks Back Rape Comment)

UK Guardian
(Egypt’s Christians fight prejudice)
(Concern for Belarus leader’s rivals)
(North Korea threatens ‘holy war’)

(How the Yule Log Came to TV)
(What Would Chris Christie Do? House Republicans are ready for war against public sector unions.)
(Why do Americans claim to be more religious than they are?)