Wednesday Quotes: Stemming the Tide of Liberalism

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

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“We’d love to have somebody articulating our conservative values to the American people in this race. It’s not going to happen. We have to face it.”

“Ross McGinnis’ mom and dad and Ross McGinnis… Those are the people who make the country work; the genuine heroes. They’re just salt-of-the-earth people, the backbone of America, who raised a son who wanted to save and defend his country — and he did.”

“Right now, as conservatives, we are not going to have an inspirational leader articulating our values and inspiring the American people. Therefore, we are going to have to inspire ourselves — just like we did through the Clinton years.”

“These are the Clintons; they are never going away, folks! No matter what happens, they aren’t going away.”

“I have never had to censor myself on this program. I have never had to hit the bleep button because of anything I have said in almost 20 years of broadcast excellence. But I am so damn close to it right now! You’ve been warned.”

“‘The way to handle a woman is to love her, simply love her, merely love her, love her, love her.’ Obama, there’s your ticket, pal: Just love her.”

“Obama, what are your accomplishments? Community organizing? Whoop-de-doo. Harvard Law Review? Whoop-de-do. Running around with terrorists? Whoop-de-do.”

“If you let your contentment be permanently affected by whoever is in Washington, then you are sacrificing so much of your own potential as a human being, as a family member, and as an American as well.”

“We have the most left-leaning liberal/socialist candidate the Democrats have ever nominated — a guy who barely crawled across the finish line to secure the nomination — and he’s being touted as this landslide guy who has overwhelmingly rocked the country. It’s all Drive-By Media BS!”

“I looked right into her eyes and said, ‘I’m sorry Punky, but I can’t feed you.’ She didn’t know what I was saying, though; she’s a cat.”