Tina Brown: Hillary “Feels Fat”

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: Hillary’s over there in Africa, still over there. I wonder if she’s going to do something about the brother that lives in the hut. Tina Brown on her website, The Daily Beast, has a sympathetic piece about Hillary today. We gotta try to understand it. She’s been on the road for a week now or two weeks or whatever. She’s away from home. She feels fat.

(laughing) Tina Brown says, ‘She feels fat.’ Now, why would one woman write that about another woman, particularly Hillary? I haven’t seen the video. Frankly I hate computer videos. I don’t know why. Maybe because I can’t hear them. (interruption) Oh, you can ‘feel fat’ if you’re not fat, I think. Yeah. Just tighten your belt too tight. There are any number of ways you can feel fat. Wait a minute. H.R. is saying, ‘How do you feel fat if you’re not fat?’ Are you saying Hillary is not fat? (interruption) You’re not going to go so far as to say she’s not fat, or you’re not going to go so far as to say she is fat? (interruption) Do fat people…? No fat people never feel thin. There’s no way. But she ‘feels fat’ What would inspire one woman to say that about another one? Maybe she’s seen the video. I haven’t seen the video. Is she like fondling herself and doing all this…?

(interruption) Lounging back on the chair? Did she have an adult beverage in her hand in this picture? (interruption) She’s wearing a pantsuit? What the hell else does she wear? She wearing a pantsuit; does she breathe? Well, anyway, she feels fat. It’s just so horrible for Hillary out there. Plus Obama is sending her these places that matter zilch, zero, nada to US foreign policy. She’s getting questions, ‘What does your husband think about this or that?’ and she’s blowing up.


RUSH: A couple of funny sound bites here. First MSNBC, Morning Meeting today, the co-host Chris Jansing was talking to the real host, Dylan Ratigan. They had this exchange, and you’ll hear the Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart in here.

JANSING: I don’t think Hillary Clinton’s approval ratings or her popularity in the American public were ever higher than after her husband had an unfortunate situation in the Oval Office with Monica Lewinsky. So —

RUSH: Stop the tape and recue the tape. Ms. Jansing, if your husband had been getting BJs in the office from a woman, would you refer to it as an ‘unfortunate situation’ he had? ‘Unfortunate situation?’ Hillary’s ratings were never higher than after her husband had an unfortunate situation…’? Yeah, he was minding his own business, with his pants down, and here comes an intern with a pizza! Oh, it’s so unfortunate. All right, here’s the bite in toto.

JANSING: I don’t think Hillary Clinton’s approval ratings or her popularity in the American public were ever higher than after her husband had an unfortunate situation in the Oval Office with Monica Lewinsky. So what does that say about us when we find women most appealing —

RATIGAN: When they’re must vulnerable, and —

JANSING: Exactly.

RATIGAN: — and when she feels vulnerable then you can be sympathetic, but when she’s powerful she’s a bitch.



JANSING: Are we allowed to say that?

RUSH: Do you Democrats in New Jersey hear this? MSNBC, which — Well, it used to take place in New Jersey. Now moved it over to Rockefeller Center, New York, but you just had a MSNBC host call Hillary Clinton a b-i-itch, and they started laughing about it. ‘She was never more popular than after her husband had an unfortunate situation’ of getting Lewinskied all over the place by an intern. When she was a b-i-itch. She was never more popular than when she was a b-i-itch. And Tina Brown on MSNBC today with Joe Scarborough. ‘What’s wrong with my former ex-girlfriend, Hillary Clinton?’

BROWN: What’s wrong with Hillary is one week too long on this African hellish tour that she’s on. (gasp) Think of it from the human point of view. (gasp) She is in her second week, she is hot. She is feeling fat. She had this horrible business where she suddenly lost it a bit over the whole Bill thing. Frankly, I want to get her home now. I want to get her home. Otherwise, you know, by the time she hits Liberia, she’s going to be saying, ‘What can I tell you? We had an idiot for the president.’ She’s just letting it hang out!

RUSH: Okay. I had mentioned earlier that Tina Brown said that Hillary was feeling fat, and there you heard it. You heard her say it. She said it. Horrible business. She suddenly lost a bit over the whole Bill thing. I finally did see the video that everybody is telling me about. I’m telling you, she’s fondling herself there. (interruption) Dawn, there’s no other way to describe this. Above the waist! Don’t misunderstand, folks. I mean, she’s grabbing herself while she’s speaking and so forth like she’s got malaria or something, itching. (interruption)