Thursday Quotes: Stemming the Tide of Liberalism

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

“One of our singular achievements here is that we have made the word ‘liberal’ a dirty word.”

“True conservatism cannot tolerate dangerously stupid ideas, whereas liberalism seems to be able to tolerate everything — from terrorism to pushing environmental wacko propaganda on our kids.”

“John Lewis said it was harder to leave the Clintons than it was to march across the bridge in Selma. I think he may know something that we don’t.”

“Obama doesn’t like his middle name being used, so we can’t use it? What are we going to call him? Barack Fitzgerald Obama? Barack Earl Obama? Give him some other middle name, then!”

“No employer, no insurance company, no politician or government bureaucrat knows better than you about your family’s health needs. You should have the right to purchase health care and health insurance as you see fit. There: In less than 30 seconds, I’ve just explained the concept of fixing health care.”

“The accumulation of wealth is a right. That is, you have a right to freely earn an income and dispose of it as you wish. You know the drill: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

“There’s a sanctimony and an arrogance that attaches to liberals. It’s to the point where they don’t have to explain what they believe, they just are — and anybody who’s not what they are is a racist, a sexist, a bigot, a homophobe, or a kook.”

“Governor Sarah Palin’s a babe. By the way, I’m not diminishing any of her accomplishments by pointing out that she’s a babe; the babe aspect is just icing on the cake.”

“When Barack Obama talks about Iraq, it’s dangerously incompetent and ignorant. I don’t know whether it’s born of lack of intelligence or just lack of experience, but, frankly, I don’t care. It’s ignorant.”

“I know, Brian! I’m just listening to the tune here! I like Tone-Loc!”