State-Run Media Hypes “War of Words” Between Rush and Clinton

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: I’m not going to play any Clinton sound bites from over the weekend. You’ve heard them. I do a better Clinton than even he does now. But here is the State-Run Media hyping the so-called war of words between a provocative and divisive radio talk show host and a former president of the United States.

DAVE BRIGGS: There’s a war of words lighting up between Bill Clinton, Rush Limbaugh.

ASHLEIGH BANFIELD: …the war of words…

BILL HEMMER: A war of words between President Clinton and Rush Limbaugh.

BILL WEIR: War of words, Bill Clinton and Rush Limbaugh.

ALISYN CAMEROTA: The war of words between former President Clinton and Rush Limbaugh.

DAVID MUIR: The war of words between former President Bill Clinton and radio host Rush Limbaugh.

WILLIE GEIST: Bill Clinton ended up in a war of words with Rush Limbaugh.

JESSICA YELLIN: The number one story in politics tonight: The war of words between Bill Clinton and Rush Limbaugh.

RUSH: So that was over the weekend and this morning, a montage, if you will, of all the media types that got the memo: ”A war of words’ is the way we’re going to describe this.’