Rush’s Morning Update: Chick News July

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

Hey folks, a little “chick” news today from overseas — which could also improve the lives of overburdened American working women.According to a new European Commission report, women in the 27 European Union nations earn 15 percent less than men. The Commission admitted that even its own executive committee had a pay gap. So the European Commission has issued a decree that will solve this horrible oppression of European women: Men must take on more household chores. I’m not making this up. The salary gap will vanish, and women will finally become full and equal citizens. Free at last!

Here are the numbers. Euro-men on average contribute a measly seven hours a week helping around those tiny Euro-houses. Euro-chicks, on the other hand, spend 24 to 35 hours on household chores. These women spend so much time working around the house– picking up after their ungrateful, slob, lazy-bum, beer-drinking Euro-weenie husbands — that it’s impossible for them to spend more time at the office working their way up the socialist ladder.

Now we all know this problem isn’t confined to Europe. Lazy-bum American men — chickifed as they’re becoming– haven’t stepped up to the plate either. I fully expect the Democrat candidate who’s the best advocate for women, John Edwards- The Breck Girl- to make this issue his own. Help stop poverty and advance the cause of women. Well, his wife’s never at home and Hillary Clinton could be a good case for this too because she’s out there trying to be like a man. Anyway, Edwards can do his hair.