Rush’s Christmas Message

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: Thanksgiving is one thing, and it’s great. Christmas, I always get more thankful at Christmas for some reason. It’s the greatest holiday. Family memories of it are just irreplaceable, and I hear this song, and it makes me tear up when they get to the end of this thing — and the crescendo, the strings, the synthesizers or whatever. It’s Mannheim Steamroller and Silent Night, and I’m not going to talk over too much of it because it’s a beautiful song. I just want to, once again, tell all of you how much you mean to me and have meant for 19-1/2 years, and as many more as we can do. I hope you have the best of the holiday season. I know a lot of people are going through tough times in terms of memories, and lost loved ones. Our family does the same thing. But nostalgia tends to always remind us of the good times, the happy times, and I hope that your memories can be happier than sadder, and that you take time to reflect on what this time of year really means. Thanks so much for being part of this program and my life. You have enriched it and continue to do so, and I will see you on January 2nd.