Mrs. Clinton Will “Take Away” $10 Billion from Private Industry

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: Reviewing the Democrat debate, just reading more coverage. We have Hillary Rodham Clinton’s rivals ganged up on her, a withering series of attacks, blistering attacks, withering, destructive attacks, and now ganged up on her. What are they supposed to do? Anyway, they didn’t. A couple of them got close a couple times, and then they backed off and aimed it at Bush. Now, there’s something that happened in this debate last night, and I haven’t seen anybody talk about this, and I’m not sure that we’ve got it in the audio sound bite roster. Cookie, it’s not necessary to get it if you didn’t have it, it’s a short little line, but the context of this, let me read it. I’ve got a little transcript here. This is from the Breck Girl:

‘I mean, another perspective on why the Republicans keep talking about Senator Clinton is, Senator, they may actually want to run against you, and that’s the reason they keep bringing you up. What I would say is, Senator Clinton just said that she believes we desperately need change in this country. And I agree with that. I actually think we have a system that’s broken; it’s rigged; it’s corrupt. And it does not work for the American people. And it’s time we start telling the truth about that — too much influence from entrenched interests, insurance companies, drug companies, oil companies, too much influence from Washington lobbyists.’ Of course, the fact the country doesn’t work, America, it’s just absurd, but I will let that fly by for now. ‘And so the question, I think, that voters have to ask themselves is: Do you believe that the candidate who’s raised the most money from Washington lobbyists, Democrat or Republican, the candidate who’s raised the most money from the health industry, drug companies, health insurance companies, the candidate who’s raised the most money from the defense industry, Republican or Democrat — and the answer to all of those questions is: That’s Senator Clinton. Will she be the person who brings about the change in this country? You know, I believe in Santa Claus. I believe in the tooth fairy. But I don’t think that’s going to happen. I really don’t.’

He went on and on and on. When he finished, Russert then turned it over to Hillary, who said, ‘Well, I think we were making progress in the 1990s and I am very proud of the progress we were making until, unfortunately, the Supreme Court handed the presidency to George Bush, and we have been living with the consequences ever since. I think it is time for us to step up and say we are going to change the way Washington works. I’ve laid out very specific plans about how to do that. I’m going to take $10 billion away from a lot of these industries, starting with money from the HMOs that are getting too much out of Medicare, starting with the no-bid contracts for Halliburton; starting with the defense industry that needs to be pared down and reined in. I’ve been very clear about that. And I intend to implement that.’

So Mrs. Clinton basically owned up and admitted — what would you call this? This goes beyond socialism. ‘I’m going to take $10 billion away from these industries.’ This is in addition to the $35 billion she said she was going to take away from Big Oil. ExxonMobil announced those profits, ‘I want to take those profits. I want to convert ’em into the discovery and the research into alternative fuel sources.’ So here she’s admitting, ‘I’m going to take $10 billion from these industries,’ after Edwards goes through every one of them that are contributing more to her than anybody else. ‘I’m going to take $10 billion from those industries.’ Folks, this is just too much.


RUSH: Even though, even though I told Cookie that she didn’t have to go get these bites, her professionalism is such that she did it anyway. So I read a transcript of the debate last night from something that was said by Mrs. Clinton after a comment made by the Breck Girl that nobody’s talking about here, and it would take somebody like me to notice this. So here are the two bites in question.

EDWARDS: Senator Clinton just said that she believes we desperately need change in this country, and I — I agree with that. I actually think we have a system that’s broken. It’s rigged, it’s corrupt, and it does not work for the American people, and it’s time we start telling the truth about that. Too much influence from entrenched interests — insurance companies, drug companies, oil companies — too much influence from Washington lobbyists. And so the question I think that voters have to ask themselves is, do you believe that the candidate who’s raised the most money from Washington lobbyists — Democrat or Republican — the candidate who’s raised the most money from the health industry, drug companies, health insurance companies, the candidate who’s raised the most money from the defense industry, Republican or Democrat, who — what — and the answer to all those questions is that’s Senator Clinton.

(Arkansas broad-beam cackle)

RUSH: Now, she didn’t actually laugh last night, but she was planning on it. She wanted to, because that answer made her mad, or that statement by Edwards. Here is how she replied to this.

HILLARY: I think we were making progress in the 1990s and I’m very proud of the progress we were making uhhh, until, unfortunately, uhhh, the Supreme Court handed the presidency to George Bush, and we have been living with the consequences ever since, and I think it is time for us to step up and say, ‘We’re going to change the way Washington works, and I’ve laid out very specific plans about how to do that.’ I’m going to take $10 billion away from a lot of these, uh, industries, starting with money from the HMOs that are getting too much out of Medicare, starting with the no-bid contracts for Halliburton, starting with the defense industry that needs to be pared down and reined in. I’ve been very clear about that, and I intend to implement that.

(Arkansas broad-beam cackle)

RUSH: ‘I am going to take $10 billion away from these industries’ who are contributing to her in greater amounts than they are any other candidate, Republican or Democrat. She’s going to take $10 billion from these industries! Prior to that she had said she would take $35 billion away from Big Oil, from ExxonMobil. (interruption) Well, I don’t… No, she’s going to take the $10 billion from the government. Well, she might take it for her campaign. That’s a good question.