Monday Quotes: America’s Real Anchorman

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

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“Obama facilitated evil in order to protect abortion on demand. That much was not above his pay grade.”

“Clarence Thomas — here’s a guy who went to Yale and Holy Cross, who spent a year on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, who worked as an assistant attorney general, and Obama is… what? A street agitator who claims that Clarence Thomas is unqualified? Obama could not shine Clarence Thomas’ shoes.”

“So the Obama camp is spreading disinformation about McCain hearing the debate. It’s priceless. We have this little man-child, The Messiah, with this deeply ingrained sense of entitlement, and when it doesn’t go his way it’s just cry-in-the-sandbox time.”

“The media is saying Obama’s answer on abortion was ‘nuanced’. This was not ‘nuance’! Nuance implies brilliance and intellect. This wasn’t nuance; this was avoidance.”

“Everybody’s starting to whisper that if Obama has any prayer of winning, he has to choose Hillary. But if he chooses Hillary, he’s going to have to have somebody taste his food every day and start his car for him.”

“One of the things that I have noticed about journalists ever since they started covering me was that they would write things like, ‘Limbaugh claims to have an audience of X-million.’ I’m not claiming it! It’s right there! The proof is in the ratings!”

“I refuse to believe that Obama has actually thought about Clarence Thomas. I don’t think he thinks enough about these judges because he doesn’t have enough time — he’s always thinking about himself.”

“What you saw Saturday night was a tremendous distinction. You saw one guy who has a lifetime of core values versus another guy with a lifetime of no values — they just shift depending on what the wind is doing that day.”

“I don’t think Obama is himself the embodiment of evil; I think he’s just stupid — I really do. I just think that he is dangerously ignorant and incompetent and he could lead to circumstances where evil triumphs all over the world because he doesn’t see it.”

“One of this nation’s greatest moral failures, undeniably, was slavery. But you want to know something? One of our greatest moral accomplishments was ending it.”