Jason Lewis of KTLK-FM in Minneapolis

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

“We’re doing exactly the same thing now with this extra $600 billion that got us into the mess.” — Jason Lewis

• CNN: $700 Billion Bailout to Get First Audit

“The bailout will not work. There’s only one solution and that’s finding a market bottom. The only way to do that is to allow market forces to work through bankruptcy laws, through company failures, through success of other surviving companies, and quit trying to fight those market forces.” — Jason Lewis

• BBC: US Carmakers in New Bailout Plea
• ABC: Ford Unveils Rescue Plan to Get Gov’t Aid

“Who is going to bailout the federal government when our dollar isn’t worth the Continental?” — Jason Lewis

• WP: Flight to US Treasury Bonds is Bad News for the Economy

“We are in a recession of doubt. Everybody is frozen because nobody knows what the government is going to do next, and that is a recipe for total paralysis in the economy.” — Jason Lewis

• HN: India Was Warned About Potential Attacks Ahead Of Time
“We now know the terrorists were communicating before the assault via their BlackBerries. Think about that for a moment. Remember the debate over the NSA that the NYT leaked?” — Jason Lewis

• Reuters: US Says Pakistani-Based Group Likely Hit Mumbai
• WSJ: Mumbai Police Home In on Attack Mastermind
• AFP: Thousands of Israelis Mourn Jews Killed in Mumbai

“How many anchors or anchorettes on your evening news actually take a skeptical look at global warming? Any? Zip. Zero. Nada.” — Jason Lewis

• Politico: Tracking ‘The Gore Effect’

“The difference between a statesman and a politician is that a statesman leads, and leading is going against the grain and educating the masses when they’re wrong. That’s what we need from a few brave Republicans out there.” — Jason Lewis

• BBC: US Senate Run-Off Vote in Georgia
• WSJ: Outsiders Look to Sway Georgia Race with Ads, Manpower
• CBS: Franken May Appeal to Senate, Courts
• FOX: Minnesota Senate Recount a Massive Logistical Task

“The recount has been done and Coleman has won three times in Minnesota.” — Jason Lewis

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