
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: I want to listen to this sound bite. Cookie tells me that there was a pronunciation faux pas in this. Contessa Brewer at PMSNBC reporting — this is yesterday — reporting about a new poll of Iowa Democrats.

BREWER: The latest MSNBC-McClatchy poll of Iowa Democrats shows Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in a sta-testicle (pause) dead heat.

RUSH: Whoa, she did say it! She did! (laughing) Play that again.

BREWER: The latest MSNBC-McClatchy poll of Iowa Democrats shows Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in a sta-testicle (pause) dead heat.

RUSH: This program influences so much that we never even know about, and it’s such a joy, it is such a thrill. It’s like everybody calls Algore, not Al Gore. Play it one more time out there, Mister Broadcast Engineer.

BREWER: The latest MSNBC-McClatchy poll of Iowa Democrats shows Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in a sta-testicle (pause) dead heat.

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