E-mails of Support Pour In to the EIB Network

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

Dear Rush:

I have never met you personally, nor you met me. However, you have had a huge influence upon my political awareness and life awareness. You turned the light bulb on, and it has been shining ever since. You are such a positive force and friend. When I have felt down or felt let down, I only have had to turn on the radio or get to your website. There, you have made me laugh, rethink, digest and regenerate. Thanks for everything. It is my turn to cheer you on! You will make it through this hard time because you have so many friends pulling for you and praying for you, Rush. I am very much looking forward to your return and hopefully, will one day get to meet you in person.

Dittos everywhere,
Boise, Idaho



I am proud to say that the EIB Family has been extended to the Mooney Family for the past 15 years. That includes my “seasoned citizen” parents who listen to you every day from 12:00 – 3:00, to myself who listens to you on lunch breaks and reads the website every night, and soon enough to my infant daughter, Reagan. As you have requested, you remain in my prayers as you persevere to beat this once and for all.

Good luck and God Bless,
Franklin Twsp., NJ



Felt compelled to write for the first time. Just to let you know I will continue to listen, I wish Rush a healthy recovery and have no doubt he will prevail. Press on Rush and may God be with you. You’re truth-fullness in the midst of the storm was refreshing and I tip my hat to you for handling yourself with grace and honor.

Lesser men would’ve cast blame and made excuses. At least now we know you’re human after all. Remember the old adage, it takes the hottest fires to make the strongest steel, and I can’t wait until you once again sit behind the golden EIB mic to share your sharp, witty insight that makes you truly unique.

Don’t let the bastards wear you down!

Greg in Central Pennsylvania, listener since 1990



An optimist sees this situation as an opportunity to persevere, overcome and succeed. Millions will be hoping for your victory with God’s help.

Good luck and God Bless!



Proverbs 24:16 says: “For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again”. Rush you may have fallen, but you will rise again, and be even better than before. You are only human, and your listeners know that. But you are the greatest human talk radio has ever known and talk radio won’t be the same until your back. Get well my friend, and know that you have my prayers and support. I will wait patiently until you are ready to return.

Waukesha, WI



I have been a devoted listener for years. I am the only Conservative Republican brought up in a family of Irish, Catholic, Democrats. I recite “Rushisms” on a regular basis. Do what you need to do. Your devoted fans will be waiting for you when you’re ready. God bless you. You are the clear voice of reason in this messed-up society.

Take care of yourself.



I’ve been listening to you since 1990. I was in the kitchen & my husband was in the garage doing some woodwork. He came running in telling me to come out & listen to this guy?. We have been listening ever since.

I have a complete understanding of what you are going through. I have been living with fibromylagia, arthritis of the spine, hips, legs and right foot for some time now. I have discs that are degenerating. I’m not complaining. I was on Ultram & then Ultrex for over eight years when I started showing signs of liver damage. I stopped taking the pills and it sure wasn’t easy. I live each day in excruciating pain and the way I look at it is; if I wake up hurting, I know I’m alive. I would rather live with pain than die of liver damage. There are many days, I think, Lord where are my pills to end this pain? Then I remind myself of the outcome.
God has blessed you Rush and he will not give you more than you can handle. He is walking with you each step through your recovery.

All of our love and support,
Ken and Debi
New Braunfels, Texas


We love you, Rush.


Oh, Great One,

You’re in our prayers. We’re pulling for you to come through this with the style and panache you’ve always demonstrated. You have knees and a God. Use them to get to Him.



Dear Rush,

I listen to you daily. I will continue to listen while you are away. The conservative voice has little choices in the mainstream to hear and be heard. This is essential to our American way of life. Thank you for all the years to your profound thinking and perspective.

Hope all goes well. God Bless you.


Dear Rush,

I have listened to you since Day One on WWL in New Orleans. My husband and I are praying for you. When you first started, I could not get over how good you were. You made me laugh more times than you know and I personally appreciate this ability you have to confront congenially. Telling the truth takes a great deal of courage and you have that, but those thin-skinned liberals could never take it and still cannot. Lordy, was their wrath what made the jest!!! You bet. Take as long as it takes to mend but DO IT because we need your reason, intelligence, and your voice so we can continue to say “Dittos Rush!!”

Metairie, Louisiana



I’m a student at Middle Tennessee State University. There are a lot of liberals out here. However, thanks to the icon and my mentor, Rush Limbaugh, I’ve been keeping up the good fight to push back the frontiers of ignorance. You are an amazing and inspiring person. Millions are praying for you and we can’t wait until you’re back. The left are cowering in there boots, cause even they know you’re coming back from this stronger than ever. GOD BLESS!

Murfreesboro, TN



I find it oddly comforting to know that my hero is human.

Huntsville, AL


Hello Rush!

Just wanted you to know I can’t wait to turn on my radio and hear your voice SOON!

Hey, I quit smoking 16 years ago after having smoked almost 20 years. I simply KNOW I can never have another cigarette again and that I am now okay. So YOU can lick your addiction and just know you can never have one of those pills again… it is not easy, I know.

BUT the addiction I find myself in is listening to YOU!!! That is not one addiction I am willing to get over. I will be patient and listen to your buddies on the radio, so generously and willingly wanting to sit by the golden EIB microphone, but I can’t wait until the day I hear your familiar chuckle and next montage.

We are rooting for ya Rush, Take good care and thanks to all your stand-ins!!

Dayton, Ohio



I know you will not have the time to personally read this. However, I wanted to tell you that you are still a very, very, important person for regular people out here in fly-over country. We miss you and are praying for your quick recovery and return to the golden EIB mic, and the prestigious atilla-the-hun chair. Don’t let the opportunistic libs get you down. That is what they want – to doubt yourself and your audience. Your success is based in truth and humility, unlike unapproachable elitists in the media. Hang in there big guy! We will see ya soon.

Oklahoma City, Ok



I just wanted you to know that I remain and will remain a faithful fan and listener. While the liberal elite continue to question whether your 20 million strong base will be turned off by your situation, be strong and assured in knowing that we understand and that all of us face unique challenges and demons. Our hearts and prayers go out to you for the pain and suffering you have had to endure these many years.
God speed on your recovery. I will continue to support your local affiliates in your absence and look forward to your healthy, vibrant return.

Best wishes,



Just a word from a listener from the very beginning and a fellow passenger on your 40th birthday cruise with Celebrity Lines, hang in there. Pay no attention to slimeballs who will attempt to hit you when you are down – the usual suspects. Hope things are going well for you. Am listening to your show each and every day during your absence and, rest assured, your show is in good hands. Get well and yes, you will certainly be in my prayers.




More people than we know have similar problems – when these problems are actually exposed or otherwise made public, and people are forced to deal with them, the healing can begin. We are praying for you, Rush.



It is with deep sadness that we all have learned of the pain that Rush has been dealing with all these years. Day after day, he would conduct his program with great professionalism and with no complaints. He will remain in my prayers long after his 30-day treatment as the pain he is dealing with is so great. I have a friend who wears a narcotic patch every day for her neck and back pain. Her surgeries have failed too. It hurts me that it is legal for her to handle her pain the best that she can and Rush must suffer so.

I encourage Rush to be strong and look to the Lord for his strength. I encourage the radio station that I listen to,1210 AM Phila., to keep him on the air and welcome him back with open arms. I encourage Marta to stay strong, as this kind of thing is very difficult for her too.

Please give Rush and his family my love,
Medford, NJ



I guess Neil Cavuto said it best – and said it all when he commented that “taking painkillers to stop paid doesn’t make you a sinner. It makes you human.” We echo Cavuto’s other sentiments as well. Whatever your frailties, you are still an irreplaceable national asset. We will miss you while you are engaged in what must be the fight of your life. Know that you are in our prayers and thoughts every day while we await your triumphant return to the golden EIB microphone. We will of course continue to listen in your absence, knowing that your guest hosts are the best. But in the end we need you back Rush.

God speed,
Jon and Sheila
Laguna Niguel, CA


Keep the faith Rush, you’re still number 1 with us, the majority, who listen to you, read your newsletter and subscribe to Rush 24/7. I think you should offer a lifetime subscriber offer. Get well soon!



Dear Rush,

You are in our thoughts and prayers we are enjoying your guest Hosts, but there’s only one Rush, we are awaiting your return, God Bless you and your Family. We have listened to your show for 12 years, you are a Member of our family, so hurry home dear, dear Rush.

Jerry and Maureen
Yuma, AZ


Dear Rush and Marta,

Our prayers are with both of you, always have been, but even more during this next month. Keep your heads high! You will overcome this and the media! We await your time when you are back on the air once again.

Otto and Carol


Dear Rush,

First, let me say our prayers and support are with you. You have been there for us all these years and now it’s our turn be there for you. We won’t let you down Rush, we’ll have the yellow ribbon tied to the radio until your successful return.

John & Michelle


Mega dittos, Mr. Limbaugh!

I realize that I’m one of many, so I’ll make it brief. Our prayers and our thoughts are with you and Marta. You are greatly missed. Hang in there, Rush, you’ll come through this and be better than ever!

Love ya!