“24” Casts Female President

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

RUSH: ’24,’ they’ve hired a woman named Cherry Jones. They’re going to have a female president on next season’s ’24’, and people, you know, little red flags are raising, ‘Wait a minute, ’24’, female president?’ ABC already tried this with Geena Davis and it bombed out. Is there an undertone here? Is the network taking control of this show? Is the network insisting on something like this in order to lay the groundwork for the acceptance on the part of the American people of a female president in an already popular show? (interruption) Is this president pretty? You can’t ask me that. I have an opinion on it, but why do you set me up with asking me that kind of a question? (interruption) Does she look like anybody?

Well, she was in ‘Oceans 12,’ and she played Matt Damon’s mother in Oceans 12, I believe. (interruption) She’s motherly, yeah. We’re not talking about a swimsuit pinup here. She’s got a great personality, fabulous person. That’s what matters anyway, isn’t it?

At any rate, you know, this whole business of female presidents on television has not worked. It hasn’t worked for Katie. It didn’t work for Geena Davis and that ABC show where she was commander-in-chief. That show didn’t last but two or three episodes, really, before it was canceled. Will this president Cherry Jones show cleavage the way Hillary did after her womanhood was challenged by Elizabeth Edwards? (Laughing.) The last time was when she danced on the beach down there in the swimsuit with Clinton when there was no music playing. Remember that photo-op?


RUSH: Here’s the question. The ’24’ female president, we’ve had a number of other efforts in the media to put forth this notion of a dominant woman. The show was called ‘Commander-in-Chief,’ Geena Davis, and what’s interesting about this to me, is the people that do this, if they’re doing it for political reasons — and, by the way, Hollywood producer Rod Lurie, who created the TV show Commander-in-Chief, made no bones about his goal. He was tilling the soil of popular culture so it would soon be easier for a real woman to take root in a nonfiction Oval Office. That was his purpose. I don’t know if that’s the case on ’24.’ It hasn’t been in the past. But you look at CBS, they brought Katie Couric in to do the Nightly News. One of the things that is the foundation for this, is this belief that women will unilaterally and universally support another woman.

Remember the French election when Ségolène Royal, the female socialist candidate, lost out to Sarkozy who is basically conservative? That was big, and she didn’t carry anywhere near a female majority in France; he did. The women commentators in the Drive-By Media here were scratching their heads, were confused, how did she not do better with women? Because there’s this assumption out there, and I think this is born of the modern era of the feminist movement, that women view men as predators and enemies and something that has to be avoided and they feel totally comfortable with women, and I’ve always thought that insulting to most women. The fact of the matter is many women like men. There are a lot of women who are married to men. Women are willing to vote for men because they live with them. They are their husbands, their sons, their brothers, their friends. Men are not some other being against women and against whom women need to circle the wagons, but that’s how it’s portrayed, that if a woman is going to get someplace, every other woman in the organization has to get behind her and pull for her simply because she’s a woman.

It’s insulting also to believe here that all women think alike and that the first thing that unites women is the sisterhood. It hasn’t proven out. This television show with Geena Davis bombed. Now, partly because it was a lousy show, but it also bombed, it was to set the stage to get the American public ready for a real female president. Here’s Katie Couric at CBS doing the evening news, bombing out royally. The Politico, the Washington website, says if these two things are any indication, the failure of the Geena Davis show, and Katie bombing out, that Hillary may have a tough road ahead. Some are apparently figuring out, folks, that women will not flock sheep-like to vote for a candidate simply because they share the same gender. Now, the problem for those who would like to construct or rely on such scenarios is that, unlike minority races or even religious faiths, women are not an insular minority in this country, where they stick together because in some sense they feel slightly embattled. Women have been made into victims, the Oprah audience, for example. But in terms of sheer numbers, they’re not a minority, and they don’t feel like they’re embattled, and they don’t feel like they’re being set upon by men and that only a woman can save them from this terrible onslaught. So, whether or not this is going to impact Hillary remains to be seen.


RUSH: Here’s Jeff in Kansas City, Missouri. Hey, Jeff, welcome to the EIB Network.

CALLER: Kansas City Stroud’s dittos to you, Rush.

RUSH: Thank you, sir. That’s great to have you with us.

CALLER: Hey, I wanted to make a comment about the show ’24’ —

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: — that you mentioned earlier.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: Actually, the producers of the show are being very consistent, because if you look back on the history of the show, the president’s they’ve had in the past have been two black males and one white male, of which the white male turned out to be the evil of all the presidents. So them introducing a female is just being very consistent with what they’ve already done.

RUSH: Here’s the thing. It’s time for full disclosure. I have become friends with many of the creators, producers of the program. I don’t know any more than you do about this, but I do feel it necessary to disclose this or to remind people — I’ve disclosed it countless times before. The one thing that I’ve noticed — I’m just speaking as a fan here — other than the first black president on the show, Dennis Haysbert, every president has been a wuss or has been corrupt or has been weak, has been malleable. If this first female president is an iron fist and is totally competent and is what we all expect a president to be, what will be your reaction to that?

CALLER: Well, then definitely that would be going toward the angle of a Hillary. I think actually the white president being corrupt actually played into the hands of bringing in a second black president, and that’s kind of my feeling on it. But that is just what I initially thought when I first heard about the female president. And if they do make her a very strong person, yeah, I think a lot of people would portray it as being that angle, but yet it’s like you said, the first black male president was very strong, and I don’t think even bringing in his younger brother was in any way trying to maybe shape Obama for the presidency, do you?

RUSH: No, of course, want. I don’t think this is about shaping Hillary for the presidency. But everybody’s going to talk about it as though it is. They already are. There are stories out there already about how Geena Davis’ show as a president bombed out and the producer of that show claimed it was done specifically to prepare the American people for the likelihood of a real female president, Hillary. He admitted it. These guys, I know them. They just want to write a television show that has surprise after surprise after surprise in it. They studiously avoid trying to attach elements of the show to actual real-life political events because they start filming next month, and the first episode’s not going to run ’til January. They don’t know what’s going to be happening in real-life politics in January. So as they’ve always done, they’re just trying to write a very unpredictable, fast-moving, fast-paced show that has all these different surprises in it, and they have to, they’re in their seventh season.

They’ve got two choices at ’24,’ I think. They can start to recycle the same old things that worked in seasons one through four or one through five, or they can try to go in a whole different direction. But that’s the choice they face because last season was a ratings disappointment for the last half of the show. I’m sure they’re shaking things up. I just brought it up today because I know that people are going to start, when the show starts airing — why would this make news, by the way? Why does it make news? Because people are going to correlate it to the real presidential campaign. And guess what? The show is going to debut next January right about the time we’re getting all hot and bothered about the Hawkeye cauci and the New Hampshire primaries. So you know the people are going to link it. I’m telling you that the producers are just trying to do an entertaining television show with a new element they haven’t done before.

CALLER: Yeah, you’re probably right.

RUSH: I’m not probably about it. I know I’m right.

CALLER: Well, my initial point is, having the two black male presidents and now the female president, they are going against the norm of society because that has never happened to this point.

RUSH: Exactly. So you’re right, there’s a precedent here for this kind of a decision.

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: Well, wait a second. I’ve forgotten — my memory, I apologize. We have already had, Jeff, our first black president, in real life.

CALLER: Oh yes, I’m sorry —

RUSH: Real life. Bill Clinton. He probably thinks that he was the first female president, too. It probably had to great him to talk on Good Morning America what a great female president that his wife is going to be when he thinks he’s been it first.