Rush’s Morning Update: Obsessed

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 7,2011

Looky here.Los Angeles Times is at it again. On April 4, the anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination, the LA Times published a column scolding “the most famous mixed-race person in the world.” (That would be President Obama.) The piece complained that Obama ignored a “historic teaching moment” when he “checked off only one race– black– on last year’s census form.”

The columnist, Gregory Rodriguez, says Obama risks alienating multiracial voters by missing a trend: “The number of people who identified as both white and black jumped an astounding 134 percent.” According to Rodriguez, the growing number identifying themselves by more than one race shows people are getting comfortable with the idea,taking us away from the bad old days when some states adopted the “one-drop rule” as law — which meant, if you had even the hint of African descent,you were considered black.

Which leads us to Mr. Rodriguez’s main point. He suggests that Obama’s decision to check off “black” stems from his “somewhat tenuous hold on blackness– he was raised by a single white mother and white grandparents.” And, the columnist notes, questions were raised about “whether he was ‘black enough’ in his early political career.”

So,the LA Times, which ran the column calling candidate Obama “The Magic Negro,” is now questioning our president’s racial pedigree as we enter another election cycle!

I know, I know. If I play a parody song about it,the left’s going togo bonkersand attribute the idea to me…when it is theywho are obsessed over Obama’s race.

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