Wisconsin Judge Election Count

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 6,2011

RUSH: Let’s turn to Wisconsin where there is a Supreme Court election. Well, it took place yesterday. They’re counting the votes now. We’re gonna have Florida all over again. The Florida recount is shaping up. This is gonna be Beirut for the lawyers. Get ready for this. The chief justice of the Wisconsin state Supreme Court is Shirley Abrahamson. She is a sworn enemy of the incumbent Republican, Prosser. The Democrat opponent of Prosser is Ms. Kloppenburg. Ms. Kloppenburg was an intern for the Chief Justice Shirley Abramson. She would get to decide, the chief justice would get to decide who would hear the case on the recount. Now, this is a classic conflict of interest. This should result in a recusal by the chief justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, but it probably won’t because that would require honor. The Supreme Court balances 4-3 Republican in Washington if she would recuse herself. That would upset the balance. They’re not going to do that.

The reason this is all happening anyway is because they don’t like the election results of last November. Well, what happens, the losing candidate in Wisconsin has to file a petition in the circuit court, which in Wisconsin is a trial court. That petition has to be filed within five days of the completion of a recount. And because it’s a statewide election, the chief justice of the Supreme Court selects which judicial district shall hear the case. The circuit court judge hears the case without a jury. And the losing party at this level can then appeal to Wisconsin’s Fourth District Court of Appeals within 30 days. Now, what’s the latest on the count? All day long it’s been reported that Prosser was up by 500, then 600, 300 some odd. The latest information I have, the last missing precinct to be counted in Wisconsin is Jefferson County. If voting patterns in Jefferson County hold for their final precinct, the last precinct should give Prosser a 100 to 120 vote margin.

Now, Kloppenburg, a Democrat right now is up by 235 with one precinct left to go. So if Prosser can get this 100 to 120 vote margin, which is expected because of voting patterns there, it would take Kloppenburg down to 115 votes, maybe to 135 from 235, that would mean the Republican, Prosser, would be on the losing side. The problem here is that in Wisconsin, any of these things, 75% of the case is leading it when it’s over. And it would have been really helpful if Prosser here was leading when this whole thing ended. I’m not quite sure who knows when this final tally from Jefferson County comes in. But Kloppenburg, Democrat, now up by 235, and if the 100 to 120 vote margin in Jefferson County, Wisconsin, comes through as expected, that would take the margin down to 115, maybe 135. That would be worth fighting. That would be worth filing for a recount. You know the Democrats would. The media would lead the charge. And, by the way, Prosser gained votes early this morning in counts in places it wasn’t supposed to, again based on existing patterns, so the news is not all that bad. But again the chief justice is a sworn enemy of Prosser. His opponent, Kloppenburg, was her intern. You’ve got a classic conflict of interest recusal here, but we wouldn’t expect that to happen. So that’s the latest we have on this. We will keep a sharp eye on this, of course. But it’s gonna end up, I fear, being Florida 2000 all over again, Beirut for the lawyers, if you will.


RUSH: Results at this moment, Supreme Court reporting 99%, JoAnne Kloppenburg, they’re both at 50% and the numbers — let me look at this real careful. (muttering) It’s basically a 200-point swing here in favor of the Democrats. Two hundred vote difference. Worth fighting for. There’s still that one precinct to go, Jefferson County, which is gonna narrow it. We’ll see.


RUSH: An interesting little factoid here about the Wisconsin Supreme Court election. It’s funny how Justice Prosser won the nonpartisan primary election recently, 58-28% over his Democrat challenger, JoAnne Kloppenburg. Won the nonpartisan primary 58-28%, two months ago. And then the unions pumped about three and a half million dollars of involuntary union dues into Wisconsin since then. Where’s the media outrage at all of the outside influence? This is the classic illustration of my claim that all this ends up being is a money laundering operation that ends up being money in political coffers for Democrats. So two months ago the nonpartisan primary election, Prosser cleans up against Kloppenburg, nonpartisan, meaning no party affiliation was a factor, 58-28%, and they come and after the primary they have the final election, unions throw in three and a half million. Where did they get it?

That three and a half million dollars is Wisconsin taxpayer money. That three and a half million dollars derives from the taxes collected by Wisconsinites, plus the union dues, which is also from Wisconsin taxpayers, because the Wisconsin public unions are paid 100% via the taxes of Wisconsin citizens. That money ends up as taxation to the state of Wisconsin. The state of Wisconsin then hires public employees, pays them with taxpayer revenue. Of that taxpayer revenue, a percentage of it ends up as union dues, which are involuntarily donated, and they end up in Democrat Party campaign coffers. And that’s how in two months, three and a half — and they say it’s three and a half million dollars spent by the union, which technically is true. Three and a half million dollars the union only has because of taxes levied against Wisconsin citizens. That’s whose money it is, pure and simple.


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