What Women Want: Government

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 4,2011

RUSH: “What Do Women Really Want?” In the Politico today, by Joan Kuriansky and Celinda Lake, and they start their piece by saying: “The question has vexed men for ages,” what do women really want. “But for Democratic and Republican party leaders now jockeying in the budget debate, failure to understand women’s concerns could have major implications in 2012. Female voters, like men, are focused on the economy. But women care about kitchen-table issues — investments in public education, affordable health insurance, protecting Social Security, equal pay.” In other words, to hell with feminism, women want to be taken care of by government. A woman pollster has uncovered the details.


RUSH: “What Do Women Really Want?” Let me just cut to the chase on this, and then I’ll give you the details. Seventy percent of women, according to a poll taken by Celinda Lake, want security from government. So the answer to the question, “What do women want?” is “70% want to be taken care of.” Hey, Gloria Steinem? So much for the feminazi movement. We had a movement here that corrupted, as far as I’m concerned, the male-female relationship dynamic in this country for 40 years. It has totally corrupted it. It was supposed to make opportunity for women. They were supposed to go out there and be exactly like men.

Have the same rules. Be able to play the same game with the same rules, wear the same kinds of clothes. The same opportunity for women…and yet after 40 years of feminazi-ism, all they want is security. But not from men. (That’s one thing that hasn’t changed: Men are jerks.) They want security from government. Celinda Lake is a political pollster. She and Ed Goeas do the Battleground Poll. It’s highly regarded. It’s one of the most highly reputed polls that there is out there, and she says here: “[F]or Democratic and Republican party leaders now jockeying in the budget debate, failure to understand women’s concerns could have major implications in 2012.

“Female voters, like men, are focused on the economy. But women care about kitchen-table issues — investments in public education, affordable health insurance, protecting Social Security, equal pay enforcement, minimum wage increases and job training.” By the way, I have a serious question. With our culture the way it is evolving, is there really kitchen table stuff? Does that happen anymore, a lot of families? I mean, families don’t even eat dinner together anymore. Certainly not every night. I mean, do moms and dads and the 2.8 kids sit around the table? Hell, do moms and dads sit around the kitchen table?

You know, we’ve seen the pictures of mom and dad sitting at the kitchen table, the monthly bills are there and they’re going through it, and they’re sweating and they’re rolling their eyes. “Oh, my God, Mabel, how are we gonna pay this? We can’t afford this, Mabel,” and then they start talking about who they’re gonna vote for in context of “kitchen table issues.” Kitchen table issues are now, “Is that trans fat?” A kitchen table issue is, “What’s the caloric content?” A kitchen table issue is, “No, you eat the salad! You don’t need those French fries!” That’s a kitchen table issue. Am I right, Snerdley? That’s what a kitchen table is.

I’m serious. If any of you still do this kitchen table stuff that’s a staple of the American… You know, it’s almost a staple, a Norman Rockwell-type staple of the American political scene. Anyway, “In the midterms, these concerns were largely unacknowledged by both parties,” meaning the November elections. “That’s one big reason why, for the first time in decades, Democrats lost the female vote.” You know what she’s saying here? She’s saying that if the Democrats would have just remembered to promise more spending for more security for more women, then the Republicans would not have won.

What Celinda Lake appears to be saying here is that women want more spending. Say so. That equals security, that that party is going to win. “The budget debate, with its disproportionate emphasis on reducing the deficit by cutting essential programs, is misfiring when it comes to women’s concerns.” Now, let me look at this one. “The budget debate, with its disproportionate emphasis on reducing the deficit by cutting essential programs…” Ms. Lake, you know, most people’s focus on the budget has to do with spending. It’s the spending side that’s got everybody’s attention. It’s spending that’s out of whack.

Nobody’s really up in arms here about “proposed cuts.” That’s gonna happen starting tomorrow. The Democrats are gonna start squealing like stuck pigs tomorrow. “Democrats and Republicans alike need to understand that women have a different relationship with economic security than men. Women value ‘security’ for the economy, while men value ‘opportunity,’ according to a 2010 Lake Research Partners survey for the Center for Community Change and the Ms. Foundation for Women. The survey showed that women pick security over opportunity 70 percent to 29 percent, compared with 54 percent to 43 percent among men.”

Now, I’m gonna tell you something, folks: This bothers me. I can understand — I’m gonna catch hell for this, but I can understand — 70% of women wanting security. I can, because feminism has been a joke from day one. Feminism basically tried to change human nature because human nature had been so unkind to many of the early feminist leaders. I mean, that’s basically what got this whole thing started. Let’s just be honest about it. (interruption) What do I mean “unkind”? It’s self-explanatory. It makes perfect sense. Human nature had been unkind to the early feminists, so this is all about altering natural roles.

Men and women have natural roles. We talked about it last week. You know, some of these idiots at the news magazines admitted that they bought into this notion that if you raise a little girl with GI Joe in a dark blue bedroom, she won’t end up being feminine (and they tried it) and if you put a little boy in a pink bedroom with a bunch of Barbies he’ll end up not being masculine. It turned out not to be true. There are natural roles, and feminism came along and tried to tamper with them and change them, and it didn’t work — and proof positive of it here is this survey. Seventy percent of women still want security.

Now, don’t misunderstand me on this. This is not to say that… (sigh) Well, maybe it is to say it. It’s best for me not to explain it if you don’t understand it. I’ll just have you guess. What worries me about this… I mean 70% of women wanting security, fine. I get it. But 54% of men pick security over opportunity? That’s what feminism’s done. Feminism has destroyed men. Look at what they did: 54% of men side on security instead of opportunity? Am I reading that right? Let’s see. “The survey showed that women pick security over opportunity 70 percent to 29 percent, compared with 54 percent to 43 percent among men.” Yeah, 54% men picked security over opportunity.

Jeez, that’s depressing. Celinda Lake says, “This is no wonder, given the clustering of women in dead-end, low-paying jobs…” What? Anyway, “the persistent gender gap in wages…” There isn’t one anymore! Never mind, I’m not going to keep stopping. “[A]nd the fact that nearly half of women are now unmarried or unpartnered — single, divorced, separated or widowed.” Well, look what happens here. We go back to the concept of family. Look here. In the survey here, it’s even worse. Women demand more security when they’re unmarried, when they’re widowed, divorced, or separated. Why…why…why…why that’s bringing family values back into the debate! Democrats don’t want to talk about family values, but here they are.

“The House Republican budget bill, for example, slashes nearly 10 percent from Social Security for the remainder of 2011. … These cuts hurt women, who are 57 percent of Social Security beneficiaries ages 62 and older… Polling shows women are more concerned than men that family income will not be enough to meet basic expenses… Two-thirds of women express strong doubts that they will be able to cover basic expenses when they retire,” but men aren’t worried about it so much. That’s what the polling data shows. (interruption) It does. This poll makes it sound like everybody involved here has given up.

Folks, do you realize 70% of women want security? What does that mean? Who’s gonna pay for it? They want it from the government. Who’s gonna pay for that? Oh, jeez. Well, there you have it. Feminism, big whoop, right? Women… Who has done more to break up the American family and make women more dependent on government? The Democrat Party. And now we know why: Votes. Now we know why. It’s just the same destruction that they have wrought over the black population of this country and over other minorities. They apparently have succeeded in doing this with women, starting the soccer mom phenomenon and all that. It’s right. As I say, Celinda Lake has a great reputation as a pollster extraordinaire.


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