Friedman: Keep Gas Prices High

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 7,2011

RUSH: Thomas L. Friedman: Gasoline is four bucks a gallon. We need to talk about this, folks, because it’s inching up there. You seen any news about it? Well, two little stories, Thomas L. Friedman on Slay the Nation yesterday with Bob Schieffer talking about the White House chief of staff Bill Daley. ‘One of the options now: Consider using oil from the strategic reserve in order to bring down the price of gasoline. Does that make sense to you, Mr. Friedman?’

FRIEDMAN: That would rank in my top-five worst ideas of 2011 so far. I think that there’s one thing we should finally be doing is using this opportunity to have a credible energy policy that begins to reduce our addiction to oil. Gasoline’s almost $4 a gallon. We know that’s a red line where people really start to change their behavior. At a minimum, I’d be talking about a tax that basically says, ‘We’re gonna keep it at $4 a gallon.’

RUSH: He wants it higher. He wants it four to five dollars a gallon, and it’s not that they start changing their behavior, Mr. Friedman. It’s that they start voting out incumbents. You had better keep that in mind, too, as you’re idolatry of Obama continues.