The Definition of Mind-Numbed

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 16,2011

RUSH: Columbus, Ohio. This is Kevin. Welcome, sir, I’m glad you waited. It’s great to have you on the program.

CALLER: Thanks a lot. And I just wanted to thank you for all you do. You, um… You expose every day to me how racist and seditionist, anti-government, domestic terrorists, all of that… You guys, man, it’s unbelievable. It really is. That you can have so much hatred for a president that just happens to be black, but I think that even makes it that much more delicious to you guys.

RUSH: Okay, let’s… For the fun of it here. Racist, seditionist, anti-government, domestic terrorist, I expose every day.

CALLER: You expose people that —

RUSH: Who are we talking about? Who am I exposing?

CALLER: You’re exposing all the people that listen to your program with some of their comments, some your com — actually most of your comments are that way. Even with your little I guess you want to call it ‘satire.’ You guys hide behind that line when it’s racism, actually. You’ll say satire. All of the commercials on —

RUSH: Like what? Give me an example. Give me an example out there, Kev. What are you referring to?

CALLER: Okay. All of your little commercial breaks or whatever, all your little songs, it always seems to be some Negro dialect you got going there, and it’s not even that funny.

RUSH: That’s why I say, ‘What ‘Negro dialect’ and what satire?’

CALLER: Well, you just played three or four in a row. You got whoever supposedly is Obama saying those things, whatever — and I only heard McCain in there, and that’s only because you don’t like him. But I never hear anybody from your side doing anything. I mean, I don’t ever hear that. You don’t ever pick with them. You’re just always one-sided.

RUSH: Really?

CALLER: How is somebody supposed to believe you’re ‘fair and balanced,’ ummm, when it’s that way? I mean, I listen to you a lot, and that’s all I ever hear.

RUSH: I’ve never said that I’m ‘fair’ or ‘balanced.’

CALLER: Well, you know you never say it because you couldn’t say that, but —

RUSH: Well, but you just said I —

CALLER: — supposedly you are. I mean —

RUSH: No, no. There you go. You suppose —

CALLER: I guess — I guess Fox must be the same way. They’re not really, either, right?

RUSH: Kevin, what is…? Let’s see if we can isolate this.


RUSH: ‘Cause you I really want to know. Do you read the New York Times? You sound like the people that post comments there.

CALLER: No, I’m not from New York, and I don’t read the New York Times, no.

RUSH: You don’t have to be from New York. You can read the New York Times in Oshkosh if you want to It’s called ‘the Internet.’ Do you read and post comments there?

CALLER: No, sir. I never have.

RUSH: You wonder why I don’t criticize people I like?

CALLER: No, I didn’t say that at all. I said even whether you like ’em or not, if they do something that maybe is not right or whatever, I never hear you criticize ’em.

RUSH: Like who?

CALLER: Well, that’s what I’m saying. That’s why it’s, ‘Like who?’ You don’t do it. You have people messing up all the time. What about Sarah Palin? What about Michele Bachmann? What about some of the crazy statements they make?

RUSH: What do you want…?

CALLER: You never say a word.

RUSH: Give me an example of some crazy things. Just give me a crazy thing Sarah Palin said.

CALLER: All you gotta do, uhh, is pull her up. Anything she says, to me, really is kind of crazy.

RUSH: No, no. No, no, no, no. You’re gonna have to tell me. Give me an example.

CALLER: You know… You know, and… You know what? I’ve noticed this tactic, too. Whenever I talk to a right-wing person, the first thing they want to do is deflect the question you ask them by asking you a question.

RUSH: I’m not deflecting anything. I’m trying to find out exactly what it is that you think Sarah Palin said that is stupid.

CALLER: (laughing) Oh, so you don’t think anything she said is dumb, huh? Okay. I see. This is what I mean. You don’t have anything. Everything she said is very intelligent and — and is correct. That what you believe, right?

RUSH: Uh, this is —

CALLER: What about…? Okay, let’s go back, when she first came out. What about seeing Alaska from — or seeing Russia from — her backyard? Do you think that was stupid or not?

RUSH: She never said it. See, this is —

CALLER: Oh, my God.

RUSH: He’s my God, too, so watch it.

CALLER: Well, you don’t act like it.

RUSH: And I’m going to tell you something: She never said it.

CALLER: She never said it? Okay.

RUSH: This is the problem. Kevin, the audience would agree here that I have been very ‘fair and balanced.’ I have given you so much opportunity to be specific about your complaints, and you can’t do it. I mean, you want to call me racist. I think it’s amazing. The president proposes a budget. Even the Washington Post is saying the president punted on the budget, even members of his own party question the budget, foreign governments are questioning the budget because it’s an outrageous run on our Treasury, a threat to future generations, and you call here and tell me that I saying it is racist! It’s a shame. We’ve lost you. You’re a walking cliche.

You are partly responsible for the problem this country’s in, because you are willingly ignorant. You willingly keep yourself stupid and ignorant and uninformed, and you run around and live in your political cliched world, and you unwittingly are contributing to the problem that we’ve got by not getting up to speed and understanding what’s really going on. The people that I assume you support are actively destroying whatever opportunity you might have to make something of yourself someday — if that opportunity still remains for you. That’s an open question. (sigh) Anyway, Kevin, thanks for the call. I appreciate it.

He waited an hour and a half, ladies and gentlemen, to use his EIB broadcast time in this fashion. He waited an hour and a half. Now… (interruption) No. He doesn’t have a point. His point is that I mean-spirited. His problem is I’m right. It bothers him I’m on the air being right because it challenges his worldview, so he’s gotta call in and try to Darrell Issa me. That’s what he’s trying to do. Now, keep in mind I have questioned Pelosi, and over the years I’ve questioned Kennedy, Kerry, Cuomo, on and on. I’ve questioned the policies and philosophies of whomever holds office, whomever is proposing policies that conflict with my views of freedom, the Constitution, the rule of law.

But this caller insists on making this racist! He has nothing substantive to say about anything — which is to be expected, because whenever the left is faced with a direct confrontation on their views, they don’t have any. They can only resort to deceit and lies and all these cliched accusations: Racism, ageism, sexism, starving children, hating aliens, on and on and on. He said not a single substantive thing. Not one. Despite my compassion. Despite my guidance. I attempted to guy guide him into something substantive. But you just heard the definition of ‘mind-numbed’ on this program.


RUSH: You know, in all candor, folks, it’s callers like this last guy who make me question the whole concept of evolution. How can there be evolution? It doesn’t logically compute with me. But now and then it serves a purpose for this kind of stuff to happen. I mean, this budget, this president’s actions are going to harm the country — and that means everybody in it, regardless of race, regardless of sex, regardless of party, regardless of IQ. The only blessing, I guess, to having no IQ is you won’t know how screwed you’ve been.


RUSH: Mike in Dallas, you’re next on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Good afternoon, Rush. Mega dittos. I started listening to you 21 years ago on KRNV in Tulsa.

RUSH: Thank you very much, sir. I remember our first week there.

CALLER: Yes. I have some information for that caller in the last hour that you tried to pin down on issues, and he could not do anything about it. He needs to stay off of those hate sites like Media Matters, MoveOn.org, and Daily Kos and Huffington Post because he’s not gonna get any factual information.

RUSH: Or the New York Times. You know, folks, you really ought to do something. The New York Times likes to think that they’re the upper crust. I mean they’ve got the smartest readers, the smartest citizens. You ought to go to any New York Times website story and read the comments. I guarantee you’ll run a gamut of emotions, from hilarity, laughter, to outright shock.

CALLER: And none of it is going to be the actual truth, Rush. None of it is.

RUSH: No, I know. It’s all agenda oriented. But the comments, the comments are just… like I said earlier, folks, that caller made me question the whole concept of evolution, and I think anybody with just a modicum of intelligence would agree. Read the comments. You know what you’re gonna get at Democrat Underground, Daily Kos, all those places. Go to the New York Times and read the comments there and then send a note to ‘Charles Darwin’s full of it.’